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Alex's POV mature content

10 minutes later Damien gets out the shower. I'm struggling falling asleep even though I'm very tired. Damien puts on his basketball shorts and a tee-shirt.
I turn around and sit up to see him. He lifts his shirt up revealing in his abs.

"My tummy hurts, baby." Damien slowly twists his hips as he still holds his shirt up.

"What do you want me to do, Kiss it?" I look at Damien confused with my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." Damien eyes lower and soften, his voice lowers, as his jaw and face is completely relaxed. "Please, honey?"

I sigh and get to the other side of the bed. I sit up as he stands over me. I close my eyes and kisses his torso. "Open your eyes and look up at me while you do it." I do as he says, Damien licks, his lips. Then gently pushes me back. "What do you wanna do?" Damien asks softly.

"I-I don't know" I scoot to the other side of the bed letting Damien on the bed. He takes of his shirt.
"Its hot in here don't you think."

"No it's cold in here, well you just got out of a hot shower so I mean it can be" Damien looks at me and kisses me with hesitation. As he grips my love handles. He then quickly pulls back.

"I'm sorry, I-I well-well t-thought y-you w-would l-like a good n-nights k-kiss," Damien said shyly and nervously.

"No no no it's okay, no need to think so fast or be nervous." I scoot closer to Damien and kisses him closing my eyes as he holds my lower back. Damien pulls back shaking slightly. "Oh no what's wrong why are you shaking, " Damien's eyes become dilated and start to sparkle his face is flushed with color. He smiles biting his bottom lip innocently.

"I-I am nervous, I-its been a-a long t-t-time, I-I am j-just excited" Damien pulls the blanket over him resting his arms firmly in his lap.

"It's okay, what's bothering you, there's no need to be nervous." Damien gulps loudly and removes the blanket pulling down his shorts revealing his hard large thick member. My eyes widen and I try to look away. I look at him, with my eyebrows raised. "Now I'm nervous now, it's b-big."

"I-I-I s-so sorry A-A-Alex, I-its just bothering m-me, I-it just h-happen" Damien covers himself. I-its n-nine inches." Damien looks at me breathing rapidly. C-Can you h-help, please?" Damien looks at me almost as he is about to cry. I nod my head.

"O-okay." Damien kisses me passionately as I feel him rub my body, he then guides my head down, making me kiss his neck and chest, my head goes further down. He uncovers his member holding his shaft, he rubs the tip on my lips.

"Open, please." I open allowing his cock to invade my mouth. Damien groans, "fuck". He guides my head up and down as saliva starts to leave my mouth making a mess. I hold my head down, breathing out my nose, going inch by inch. I slightly twist my head . Damien grunts heavily. "Suck that fucking dick, like a good girl." I continue as he guides me. Damien holds me as he thrust rapidly into my mouth, he then let's lets go of my head. And starts to rub and massage my thighs and bottom. "Look at me while I face fuck you." Damien clenches his jaw. I look up swirling my tongue around the tip. I go down further continuing to look up. I feel a strong grip on my neck Damien forces my head down holding it firmly. "Fuck!" Damiens fills my mouth with cum. "I'm not letting you go till you swallow." I swallow as he releases my head. I sit up looking down from him feeling ashamed. "Hey, what's wrong sugar?" Damien holds my face up wiping away the saliva. He then rubs his thumb along my bottom lip. "Your such a good girl. I didn't want you to stop but, I wonder how the rest of you feel. You make me this way."

"Really? I'm going to go clean my mouth. This was strange." I get up and go to the restroom to brush my teeth and cleanse my mind I get in the shower again. Around about and hour later I get out. and put the on new clothes I found in the dawer. I then get into bed seeing Damien asleep. I then fall asleep, feeling my jaw tighten as I yawn. I suddenly feel a hand wrap around me squeezing my belly.

"What took you so long?" Damien lets out a small chuckle. " Awe, You thought I was asleep?" Damien rubs his finger tracing my panties. I begin to breathe heavily as he rubs his hand on my vulva. He slides his hand underneath my underwear, I adjust my position getting closer to him. He then  spits in his hand and begins to circle my clit. I let out a small moan, as he picks up his acceleration, rubbing his fingers through my labia teasing my entrance. I hold his hand there. He slides a finger inside me I clench around him as he adds another finger.

"Owe" I try to move his hand but he's not stopping.

"You're making a mess." Damien rubs my clit rapidly. Slowing down teasingly. My toes curl and I orgasm. I begin to breathe heavy and pant. Damien slides his finger into my opening and slowly pulls out. He lets out a gasp. "Oh my, how did you get so creamy?" I turn around to look at him. Damien brings his messy hand to his mouth and licks them clean. "You taste so sweet, you're so tight around my fingers." Damien softly chuckles as he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. I yawn as he rest his hand on my behind. "Good night, sugar."

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