The Date

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Alex's POV

"Girl why you just standing there, do you wanna be here?" asked Damien.

"Well not really, to be honest with you I really would like to go."

"So I know how to cook! Do you just want to come to my house? That way I can freshen up and we can do whatever you want there because I had a pretty long day already and I haven't bathed since yesterday."

"Sure, I  just don't like large public places my anxiety gets to me and I don't like it."

"It's fine, hun let's go then. You have been standing there like a statue  "Damien grabs my hand and all I smell is his cologne"

"You smell really good sir, I like your cologne."

"Sir? I kinda like coming out of your mouth but thank you. I'm going to go slow with you."

I ignore it paying no mind to what he said we head out of the mall and walk to a big black truck. Damien opens the door for me and I hop in looking around. "This is very spacious and comfortable  Damn, you drive a big boy truck? this baby clean," I say as I rub my hand on the dashboard.

"I just got it 3 weeks ago, but do you know how to drive a big body like this?"

"Kinda, but I really would like to learn how to drive soon and I'll be in the streets and able to drive and do whatever I want because public transportation is not for me."

"Your such a dork and that's cute Devin told me a lot about you and You're 17 right?"

"Yeah and I told Devin to keep my name out of his mouth. He is such a freaking stalker" I giggle softly. "How old are you?  Devin hasn't mentioned you not one time."

"I'm 19, and damn you are a baby and if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier I'm sorry I noticed your demeanor changed.

"No, I'm good  and I'm not a baby but I'm pure like one though"

"What do you mean by pure? Did you take that test?" Damien asked looking slightly confused

"Yes, yes I did. Well, I've never been on a date, I'm still a virgin and never held hands or never kissed, never been to a party and, never had a boyfriend."

"Damn well we're on a date and I held your hand walking you to the truck," Damien says as we pull up into his driveway.

"Yeah, So basically I'm a good girl."  I smile looking out the window as I feel Damien's hand on my knee and he whispers in my ear. "I can change that if you'll like." as we get out of the truck Damien grabs his bag out of the truck and I walk to the porch and quickly opens the door. I step in looking around and sits on the couch. Damien turns on the tv and cartoons are on.

"Nice house Bro and, do you watch cartoons cause uh this is kinda-"

"Kinda what? Amazing, but Yeah do you have a problem with that?" Damien rolls his eyes

"No, who doesn't like cartoons? I was bout to say immaculate but amazing can do." I look around and it's a nice house there's an 85-inch tv on the screen who does he be entertaining?"

"Well I'm going to head to the shower because I stink so badly I'll be back down in about 20 minutes don't go nowhere ."

25 minutes pass by and I see Damien coming from upstairs in grey sweat-shorts putting on a fitted white shirt. "So what do you want something to eat Alex?"

"Nah I'm fine, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I can order delivery."

Damien looks into my eyes . "You... I-I mean do you want some gummy bears." He gulps and his cheeks start turning a bright pin

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