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Alex POV

I watch Damien's body leave as the feelings of butterflies flutter in my stomach. "I'm going to Kai's house later on today."

"Why?" Damien asks curiously, as annoyance covers his face.

"Because I haven't seen him and after that incident happen with his, Ex he needs a friend."

"Um okay, cool, don't forget I had to wake you up from a dream, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." Actually, I don't remember the dream he's talking about. But I mean shit it is what it is.

"Aight then, is he coming to pick you up or I'm dropping you off."

"He is coming to pick me up." Around 4:30 pm we leave the hotel and go to Damien's house, and settle back in.

"Did you enjoy your stay? Even though we checked out early and I had to get a refund., Damien ask.

"Yeah, it was something new it was kind of fun. So many strange things though." I sit on the sofa waiting for a text back from Devin. He says he is outside. I go outside forgetting to say bye to Damien. Going to Devin's car. "Hey Devin"

"Hey, can we talk, at my house? Alex, it's a lot and, there's been a lot of stuff on my head."  Devin looks at me with worry in his eyes. I get into the second car, Devin drives off.

"What is it cause you be on some other shit, and I don't like it, you play too much."

"I know, that's why I pulled up. I was going to come in cause Damien said y'all was back from your vacation or whatever. And personally, I'm so sorry for the mess I've caused in this almost past year. I've been loose I admit that, I've been greedy, needy and, dumb. I've learned so much from these past months.  Damien said I had sex with Stephanie's sister, I didn't. "

"He said I bragged about it, I didn't and that's a fact, she was feeling me, I wasn't feeling her, she lied and told everyone. I was so depressed in September last year because I was suffering from being needed, it seemed like everyone needed me. From my mom to my sister to Stephanie. Except you. And I wanted to be there for you. I was in a toxic relationship trying to leave but I was stuck. In the back of my mind, I would believe that I would be alone. Or maybe it could work nobody perfect."

"About three months ago I and Stephenie had a long and deep understanding conversation. I felt as if I wasted 2 years of my life with someone who never loved me. So I acted out with Cassandra, at the end of the day I was thinking of you. I'm not saying I want you, but I need that positive person in my life again because it's been lonely. Since Damien cussed me out, and fought me. I'm risking a lot because no one has really shown their true colors yet." we've been at Devins house a while and get out of the car and walk to his house heading to the kitchen to sit.

"Fuck you mean, he fought you?"

"I mean we threw hands, all over you. He wants to play innocent and just gentle, but he has very greedy tendencies, he wants everything to himself. We fought because I was just telling him that you're too good and naive to be with him, you need someone to ease your way to being a woman not to shelter and make you depend on him. You are independent but he wants to feel needed so he breaks people down until they give up. He said and I quote " My bitch is my bitch, not yours so don't worry about shit. I'll fuck Stephine again, cause your girl can be my bitch too, dumb ass nigga ."

"I don't believe he said that." Devin pulls out his phone and shows me the text from him that day.

"I would never lie to you. Damien is a hard worker he's a good guy but, he's arrogant, cocky, and stubborn, he doesn't listen. I just don't want you to be hurt, by me or him. Your smart and can handle shit. He and Stacy linked while you were with Jerome. Yes I know Jerome he dated my sister a long time ago. But we play ball together on the court. He's really cool."

"How do you know that, what the fuck bro? I don't believe you at fucking all, I'm about to leave it seems like you aren't  talking about nothing."

"I'll show you the screenshots and everything he sent me. I'm really close to him. Well, we had each other backs but grew apart." Devin shows me the text, videos, and pictures of Damien cheating, lying, and being simply arrogant. I'm deeply hurt throughout reading the countless messages including me in it Devin has only stood up for me.

"I knew he wasn't shit when his mom said she left because she need a break from him, Damn. The amount of unhealthy and toxic stuff he has said and done is sad and it's messed up. I only have like a week's worth of clothes where he can keep it, or do whatever with it. I don't care at this point, the crazy thing is I feel perfectly fine because I knew what I got myself into."

"Once again I'm sorry. I love you still you were always there for me and I'm here for you. I'm going out of town soon you wanna come with me? Well, I'm joking about the with me part but not the out of town part."

"Well sure can I come to KC too small anyway." I get up and walk to Devin. "Can I get one of them famous hugs?"

"Sure" Devin reaches in for a hug and hugs me tightly as he rubs my lower back with compassion.

"You were always so kind and nice to me, I do sincerely love you and, Damien but at this time I'm not happy with Damien. In a way, I just thought that he was better, food or what I needed. But your love, his love seems the same. As if you're hiding something just like he was. But I trust you.

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