Our Sleepover

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Alex's POV: Mature content

"Us girls? You do know I'm a dude right?" Damien smirks looking at me and shakes his head.

"Like I said just us girls tonight, and we're partying tonight. Woot, woot!"

"Whatever you say, Darling." Damien and I head into his home. Also let me take your bags to my room okay, I am sleeping on the couch anyway. Damien takes my bags and takes them upstairs. I sit on the couch and he comes back and sits next to me. "So Alex, do you wanna play a game?" Asked Damien

"Sure Billy, what did you have in mind?"

"Who the fuck is Billy? The fuck, Baby my name is Damien, and maybe Well, truth or dare? "

"Billy is the puppet from 'Saw' and Sure why not I ain't got shit to do anyway."

"So Truth or dare? Also  Please be honest and just be you, remember it's just us "girls" I won't tell." Damien says sarcastically"

"Truth. And I can say the same for you and if it's a dare don't be a pussycat."

"A 'pussycat' really? So are you trying to keep this PG huh? Well uh is it true that you love cartoons?"

"No, not I can get a little risky but,  bro I told you that like a million times yes. So truth or dare?"

"Truth and bet, we can get risky together. Also man I need some attention if you know what I mean. It's just I've been lonely for so long baby girl you just don't know."

"Yeah, so-so let's get risky, tell me about every single relationship or sexual relationship that you've ever had please describe them and, you have to tell the truth because you picked the truth" I'm trying not to laugh.

"You are so nosy." Damien chuckles and takes a deep breath. "Okay, So my very first real girlfriend I had was when I was 13, she was 15 and well I'm going, to be honest, we fucked like 3 times. I didn't know what I was doing at the time and did not know what I liked about her. I mean all I know is I had a box of condoms and I used them. She was a skinny redhead and had some small boobies." Damien chuckles." We dated for like 2 years till I turned 15  we broke up. So I started talking to this girl named Becky she was really thin too and had no type of ass at all but had really big boobs and she was nice and very childish in a way. But I noticed that the thin girls weren't really my type, Now I'm going, to be honest, Becky wanted to have sex without a condom but we never had sex though, so I made her suck me off with a condom on. Later on, after Becky came a girl named Stacy dated till I was almost 17 and she was big like a bit bigger than you. She was a nice golden brown girl who was kind of obsessive and I think she was using me for sex because we had sex like 10 times in the short time we were together. I'm going, to be honest, I was in love with her, I truly was and uhh I gave it to her good like really good, with nice long deep strokes. Until she said, "Baby take that condom and fill me up, let me have your baby". I wasn't meaning to be rude but I was mad so I said "Get out of my house" I'm barely 17 I'm not trying to be a parent and she left and we never spoke again. Then I dated another big girl but she had Lil cute chicken legs and a wide torso but we dated for like 3 weeks. and we never had sex but she was very distant.  I mean that's all."

"So you seem so mean to these poor young women, but you like big girls?"

"Yeah, I really do. So, I'm not mean they all broke up with me because they said I was too clingy and said "I love you too fast and often". I mean who needs love anyway. Also, they couldn't handle the amount of passion and uhh the "demons" or whatever Also I love big women in general since I was little but I need something to hold too and just the soft plush body of a big girl from head to toe to shoulders to belly's it's all cute and sexy. The last time I had sex was like 3 years ago."

"Oh okay, You like back rolls and all huh? Very interesting." "what the fuck he means by demons?"

"Baby yes I do. I appreciate the body of plus-size women because it's what I'm attracted to and I'm not fetishizing you it's my personal preference but people don't understand that's beauty and personality come from within. But anyways Okay but truth or dare?"

"I pick truth and I see and understand your point of view and it's honestly really nice to hear a guy like you say that."

"What do you mean a guy like me? And Okay so do you put chips on your sandwiches?"

"I mean you're attractive, you're in shape, your tall and, your facial features are strong and you're overall, Gorgeous and guys like you just don't say things like that about girls like me, but Yeah sometimes and truth or dare?"

"Well it's just how I feel babe, and I pick. Truth duh"

"Well, why do you treat me like I'm one of the bros?"

"You are asking me this now, huh? Alex, you treat me like I'm just a normal guy who doesn't do anything and you kept calling me a girl so I just gave up on trying to make you wiggle and giggle. Also, I just felt like you don't like me. I like you, like your perfect, I just wanna show you so much more but I don't wanna come off as obsessive and clingy. I'm an uh very forward guy and I enjoy watching girls blush and squirm as I whisper little dirty and freaky stuff in their ear, fuck man. I kept trying not to do that with you because Devin said that you don't really speak much and I just didn't want to come off as "I just want pussy" but that's not It I just want a relationship and a girl that I can spoil and give passion too and express my inner self too. Finally every time I tried to say a Lil something to you, You just freeze up and so I left it alone."

"Well, Damien  I'm going, to be honest with you. I like you too I felt like it's just weird because ever since the tying my shoe incident you have just been treating me like I'm a dude and it's like damn do a little something. I respect you so much for not trying anything that will make me call you an asshole."

"Please prepare yourself for a very uh strong language response because I imma be a little more open and I hope it won't bother you."

I take a deep breath. "Well, I don't mind be as open as you would like and be yourself."

Damien takes a deep breath and sits up. "So okay Alex you don't act like you like me and it kinda pointless of me telling you this but, you made me kinda hard when I saw you Bent over. I love your pretty face and your fucking body, you're so fucking sexy to me and I haven't had pussy in so long my body craves it. In better words you so awkward it's so cute I just love it. I'm going, to be honest, I've had a few dreams about you. I just wanna see your face fill with emotion as I thrust into you making you moan and feel the passion as our souls intertwine. Damien leans in and starts to rub my thigh whispers in my ear, "you have no idea how badly I want you"

"Oh, you want me? Show me then make me feel something I wanna see how you act. "

"Yes, I do and Someone's feeling herself huh? Hmm, you sure about that darling? Well, truth or dare?"

Dare I'm sure I'm a big girl I know what I want honey.

Oh really? Is it dirty or clean and Do you have any limits on how far I can take things?

It can be dirty and uh I don't have any limits just don't touch my asshole or do anything stupid or reckless as fuck.

"Oh okay," Damien chuckles and bites his bottom lip. Well, I dare you to sit on my lap Damien adjusts his position and I sit on his lap as he whispers "can I touch you?" I nod my head yes and he places his left hand under my belly and starts slowly rubbing my inner thigh heading farther up through my pants"  I begin to breathe heavily" Damien whispers "fuck, your thighs are so thick and soft Do you like the way I'm touching you?" I nod my head yes. Damien slowly slides me off his lap

"Was that all  Loverboy?"

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