The Weekend

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Alex's POV: mature content

"What do you mean was that all? I'm not about to just touch your pussy and say to you  I'm tryna fuck. Now take them panties off so I can see what I'm bout to stretch out. Like what?  Bro and such a stupid. the decision to make. That's not how I would approach the situation I would try anything to make you cum before I try anything to be forward with you. I'm here to please a silly beautiful girl." Damien clears his throat and blushes."

"Really, Wow, That's crazy." I blush to turn a deep red. Can we just watch a movie now and eat those gummy bears"

Damien bites his lip. "Yeah I'm sorry if that's too much for you I just want to be open with you cause, I feel like I've known you for longer than just a month."

"Yeah, the feeling is mutual. I just don't know how to properly react to everything because this has never happened to me."

"Yeah, you have me now if you'll take me."

"I suppose but we're just going to be friends if that's fine with you. I have to prepare myself for loving someone lustfully and intimately and it's really scary to me."

"I said I'll go slow with you and that's what I sorta meant and I'm fine with being just friends but I've just been so lonely because all I do is work and go home. I love the kids I coach. I'm only human. I crave attention romantically and physically."

"You know what? Devin did say you were lonely and it shows, but don't bring all of that depressed energy to me because I'm not for it it's a very heavy and dense feeling and I refuse to be around it."

"He is such a bitch bro,  and I get you no one wants to be sad, the fuck. Damien gets up and grabs the gummy bears and he hands me one."

"Here you go, honey." I open the package and takes a bite out of the ear while Damien turns on a movie."

"Thank you Damien I yawn and Damien yawns and I look over he is sleep" "damn he is one of those people that can't even last 2 seconds into the movie" I shake my head and crashes on the couch falling onto his shoulder with a gummy bear stuck to my hand and my shirt.

"Good morning. Damien wakes me up smiling caressing my face.

"Stop I'm so tired and, please shut up." I turn around moving Damien's hand.

"Please honey wake up. There's someone here for you. I hear Damien talking to someone." "Ugh what", I sit up and yawn.

"So who is here for me?" I look around and see Devin sitting in the accent chair. "Hi daddy Devin! what's up, guy ."

"Daddy? The fuck, Hmm alright, whatever." Damien rolls his eyes as he mutters.

"Damien calm down, it's just a nickname, It doesn't mean anything. So what did yall do last night?" Devin looks at me and Damien with a distasteful expression

"Nothing much, We just talked that's all. Ain't that right darling?" Damien looks at my body up and down and looks me in my eyes biting his bottom lip"

"Yeah, yep all we did was talk and it was very interesting." I'm blushing again fuck that's a dead giveaway Devin is going to know something. Why am I even questioning myself who cares Devin is in a relationship anyways."

"Hmm okay, Alex, you have a big ass gummy bear on your left boob." Devin looks at me with a hateful gaze and, clenching jaw. As he side-eyes Damien.

Damien sits down next to me. "Damn, that was $25 because it was fucking vegan But if I do say so, it looks nice on you like a gigantic broach or something."

"Yo, your right it's from the latest Gummy collection only sold in 5-pound form." I look at Damien and smiles at him.

"Y'all seem to chill together and I'm running late for work anyway. I'm just bout to leave. by Alex, I'll see you later. Bye Dami loves yall." Damien heads behind Devin. Then locks the door.

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