Relationship Advice

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As I walk out the door with only the clothes on my back,  because I kinda built a pile of my stuff at his a place with my shoes and other belonging. I head to his truck getting in. "Hey boobie bitter"

"What? Girl you know I haven't touched you like that since that night in December. No Matter how badly I have wanted you since then. But ya know it's fine cause I bought you an outfit and hope you like it. I know you like relaxed things but I spent like 200 dollars at Torrid because they have nice clothes for plus-size women, I had got you a 3x okay? Because I was looking at your clothes that are at the house."

"Awe thank you so much I wish I got you something. Because I don't wanna feel like your my sugar daddy and I'm taking all your hard-working money. It makes me feel terrible that I can't get you much. The job I worked in January only paid so much. I am sorry."

Damien takes a deep breath, "it's perfectly fine. They were overworking you anyways and there's no reason you were stressing yourself out over a job that caused you to have anxiety attacks. It's not good to keep putting yourself in environments like that. And the only thing I need from you is you. Nothing else."

"Well okay,  and I can't thank you enough. I have new clothes." As we approach the house I get a text from an unknown number.

"Unknown: Hey what's up it's been a long time since We've hung out or even talked, I ran into your mom at the store and she gave me your number."

I call the number and they answer. Um hey, who is this? They respond "It's Kai, we were best friends." Oh hey, how's it going Kai? You don't sound the same bro your voice got deep and everything. "Yeah everything is cool and shit I heard you just graduated, anyways  you know I graduated last year." I heard but I'll talk to you later okay I'm busy. I hang up and we're now at the house.

"Who was that?" Asked Damien as we get out of the car heading into the house. "Well, it was a childhood friend, he had got my number from my mom." I sit on the couch kicking my tennis shoes off. As Damien sits next to me.

Damien leans on my shoulder sniffing me then he whispers in my ear "why do you smell so fucking good?" As his lips caress my cheek. "You should let me-" I feel a soft peck on my cheek as my cheeks become heated.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you love me if I stalked you?" Damien looks at me as his pupils become dilated.

"Uhhhh what? Where the butt did that even come from don't ask me shit like that." "God you there it's me, Alex"

"Girl calm down I'm fucking with you. But let me taste what I own before we leave."

"Damien are you okay? What the fuck is up with you? And you don't own me. What substance have you been doing? I look at Damien with pure confusion."

"Yeah, I'm fine, And I don't drink or do drugs. I've just been going through normal male emotions. And a bit of withdrawal. I haven't seen you in a month. Our souls have danced together in harmony. Can we do that tonight?"

"Umm, I don't know. But alright I'm glad your okay I guess. However your acting so fucking weird. I slap Damien with passion. Oh shit, I'm so sorry my mind was telling me, no, but my body, my body, was telling me Yesss!!"

"What the fuck and please don't quote R kelly. I was just fucking around. After football practice with the kids, I went to my aunt's house and Devin had leftover Jack Daniels from graduation and I had like 2 and a half straight cups that's it no ice and no cola. I don't drink so I'm sorry it might be the alcohol." Damien's voice lowers, "don't you ever do that shit again, do you understand? Doll-face"

"Yes sir "Not this again he's done put some type of spell on me or something because he ain't nobody's father."

"Good girl. Damien chuckles and looks into my eyes. Welp, we gotta get dressed because I made reservations and we gotta get dressed or do something."

"Sure I suppose. I get up and go to Damien's room and he follows." I look in the closet and picks out a turtleneck and black jeans. Damien looks at me.

"I got you something to wear tonight. He pulls out a bag of clothes. Here honey I got you a pair so burgundy plaid pants, a long sleeve shirt along with a pair of black flats."

"I wear a 3x in clothes and a 12 in women when it comes to flat shoes, so-ooo you got those sizes right?"

"Yeah, I even checked with your mom, so here put your clothes on." I begin to undress and Damien does the same for him putting on a black button-up and black trousers.

"Yes, sir also where are we going?" I put on the clothes he had bought me. I look in his mirror and see if my ponytail was cool.

"A fancy restaurant I found and made reservations for but I might cancel and I can make you something and you can be my dessert." Damien and I finish getting dressed I step back as he puts on his cologne.

"Maybe because of the way you looking like a whole meal, you look so good in all black. I wanna..." I bite my bottom lip.

"You someone is finally getting spicy." Damien goes to the bathroom to fix his hair. My fucking barber fucked up my hairline." He lays his shiny black hair down with a little water but it slightly curls backs up, he gets frustrated.

"Damn your that's mad? Come here." I mess up his wet hair and has it looking. A bit wild and kisses him on his forehead. "There you go, sexy man."

Damien chuckles. "We gotta go silly."

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