Chapter Quince❤️

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Mia's POV

I texted my mom to see if I could go over to Fulton's house. I waited for an answer for about two hours. Finally my mom answers:

Mia: can i go over fultons house today and stay the night there

Mom: Yes you can go over.

Mia: thx

Mom: Tell Fulton's mom to pick you up at the house.

Mia: ok ill see you tomorrow love you

Mom: xo


I texted Fulton telling him that I can come over and that his mom needs to pick me up at my house. I went to my room and grabbed an old backpack and packed a bag. I put a t-shirt, my Ottowa Senators jersey, a pair of pajama shorts, jeans, and undergarments. I also grabbed my phone charger and toiletries.

I waited for Fulton's mom to pick me up. My dog suddenly ran over to me and just flopped down right on my feet. I laughed to myself. I heard a knock at the door and I ran down the stairs. It was Fulton's mom.

"Hello Mrs. Reed! I missed you!" I said.

"Hello sweetie I missed you to! How are you?" Mrs. Reed asked.

"I'm good! Thank you for picking me up!" I replied.

"Your welcome. Now, let's go Fulton wants you over there!" she exclaimed.

"Ok let me go get my stuff," I replied.

I ran up the stairs, grabbed my stuff, kissed my dog, and headed out.


Charlie's POV


"Young man quiet down!" I heard my mom say.

I sighed. I can't help but think Mia is mad at me. I really hope she's not though. I had just gotten home and I sprinted upstairs to my room and locked my door. I didn't want to be talked to at all.

"I'm gonna text Banks," I said to myself.

I grabbed my phone and started texting Adam:

Charlie: Hey Banks.

Adam: Oh hey Conway!

Charlie: Adam I need some advice. So I like this girl but, I don't think she likes me. What do I do?

Adam: Charlie just ask her out. Or ask her if she likes anyone and see what she says.

Charlie: Banks I gotta girlfriend, I can't ask her out. So I'll just ask her who she likes?

Adam: Conway, when did you have a girlfriend? And that's a good idea. I gotta go Conway. I will talk to you later. Bye.

Charlie: Bye.


I'm fucked. Just fucked. I have a girlfriend and I love another girl as well! Boy I am a jerk!

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