Chapter 11: [Regret]

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Its been 3 weeks since we started school and for me its like years because I don't really see Mr. Chan that much anymore and I don't really get to talk to Chanyeol anymore which really does sucks so much. I really do miss them.

What's been bothering me is Sehun hasn't been talking to me, I try contacting him but he doesn't pick up and when he does he says that his busy with his works. Aishh! Even my bestfriend doesn't even have time for me anymore.

"Luhan! Wanna come to karaoke with us?" Tao asks.

"Ahh, sure." I agreed and followed him, Kris, and 2 other guys that I don't really know. "Wait, I just need to check up on something." I said and they nodded.

"Just meet us, at the usual karaoke place." Kris said and they left.

I need to talk to Chanyeol. I really do miss him.

I went to the 2nd year classroom, and only to see Mr.Chan, he looks sad.

Before I came in I knocked on the door to get him attention. Then he looked up and then smile his usual smile.

"Luhan." He says my name, sounds like his been waiting?

I bowed. "Anneyeong Mr.Chan, its been awhile."

"Yeah, it had been hasn't it?"

I nodded. Then the classroom filled with the awkward silence.

He cleared his throat. "So, you miss tjis classroom huh?"

I blushed. "Ah,.." I faked laugh. "Yea--h"

He giggled. "I guess I'll leave you then"

"Is it okay?"

He nodded, then gathered his things and left me in the classroom.

I walked to the desk and got my pen out. 'Park Chanyeol? Are you there?' I write.

I bit my lip, hoping he would reply.


Yes!!! He replied! "Park Chanyeol! I thought I'd never talk to you again!"

"Me too!!! I thought I'd never get a chance to talk to you!! I missed talking to you."

He missed me? The thought of it made me blush.

"Me too!" I wrote truthfully. "Chanyeol I have something to tell you."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I know where your dad is." Yes thats right, I know where his dad is, over the holidays while we weren't able to talk, I searched for him, Chanyeol told me his name and last name, and it wasn't really hard to find through internet, and plus his a writer, not a famous one but at least I found him.

I look for his books at the library, and at the end of his book called 'Found' was a picture of him and his son, which I assume was Chanyeol.

"What!?! Are you serious Luhan!?"

"Yes, I am. He lives in America."

"Thank you Luhan! Thank you so much, you have no idea how happy I am!"

I smiled. Then gave him his fathers details so he can contact him.

Then it was time. I was so happy that Chanyeol has keeping contact with his father. But my world stopped when he told me something that I already was prepared for.

Time ~Chanhan~[Chanyeol and Luhan](BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now