A Phone Call and A Little Black Dress

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"Are you going to apologize for being a dick?" Percy heard Annabeth say through the muffled speaker.

        She was pissed, very pissed. That wasn't much of a surprise. Percy felt the words get caught in his throat. He could almost feel them roll off the tip of his tongue, but when he opened his mouth, no sounds came out.

"Well? Seriously Jackson, if you're gonna call me and tell me the we need to talk, I expect at least some sort of articulation." She spoke bluntly.

He couldn't explain it, but he felt like he was setting himself up for failure.

"I… " He mumbled, trying to find the right words.

        He didn't want to have this discussion with her over the phone, he wanted to see her, and talk face to face. He bit his lower lip, cursing himself for not being able to get the words out. He should've started out by apologizing, but the image of Annabeth, and whatever-his-name was still fresh on his mind. He took a moment to close his eyes and calm himself, before he let his anger get the best of him, again.

"Gods, Percy, I have a meeting in like 5 minutes, get out with it already!" She said impatiently.
There was no longer any anger to her voice, simply annoyance.

"Let's go on a date, you and me, this Friday. And don't say you have other plans, cause I know you don't." He said in a rushed breath.
His mouth was dry, but he felt like some weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Look, I know I was a dick, to…"

"Hunter." Annabeth finished for him.

"Right, Hunter. I know I overreacted, and that wasn't alright. But, can you even blame me? I mean seriously Annabeth, things between us have been so tense since we came back, it's like I don't— I thought…" His voice trailed off, unable to finish that stream of words.

"Oh, by all means, please continue." She spoke, a hint of sarcasm lacing her voice, he could almost see her rolling her eyes at him. He ran his free hand through his hair.

"Annabeth," He took a breath before saying anything else. "I, I don't wanna fight." He said.

There was another pause.

"Neither do I." Her voice was small now, like even the simple act of speaking was draining the energy from her.

"So, it's settled then? We're going to a party this Friday, with underage drinking and actual people, and we'll pretend like we're actually cool enough to be there?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood and he heard her let out a small scoff.
Percy bit his lip, as he waited for an answer.

"Correction, you're probably not cool enough, me on the other hand…" 

A small smile made its way to his lips. "Right. So it's a date?" He asked one last time.

"Fine. Just remember to text me the details later." She said, "Goodbye, Jackson."

"Goodbye, Chase." He said and hung up.

        On a scale of one, to a radioactive war-zone, that conversation hadn't been nearly as disastrous as Percy had thought it would be. He decided not to waste anymore time aimlessly walking around Goode. Feeling the crumpled up paper pressed against his hand, inside his pocket, he headed home.

"You've got everything? Your keys? Your phone? Your jacket? Do you have your jacket, you know how cold it gets!" Sally Jackson fumbled, as she tried to smooth out Percy's hair.

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