Morning Sun and Raven Hope

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Percy made his way out of Annabeth's bed as quietly as possible.

She was still sleeping, her curls plastered all around the pillow. Outside, grey clouds tinged with orange filled the sky, but that didn't stop the city that never sleeps from rustling. He sat upright, as his eyes scanned the room for his clothes. He saw them, the small pile by the bathroom door, where they'd been left the night before. A small rush of blood flowed to his cheeks when he remembered everything that had happened in vivid detail. A small smile crept on to his lips as he admired the gorgeous blonde that rested on the bed besides him. Percy leaned in and softly kissed her cheek.

"I love you." He whispered into her still dreaming ear.

He wondered if this was what an entire future with her would look like. If waking up next to her would always feel like waking up from a dream. There were so many things he wanted to say, all the stupid little things he'd imagined them having in a faraway future. He wanted to whisper them in her ear, to tell her about the house they'd have by the oceanside somewhere, someday; dark blue with a white rimming, and a beautiful porch. He wanted to tell her how the first thing he was going to do was get a dog, a normal one, because he'd never lived in a place long enough to own one, but that house on the oceanside, that was permanent. She was permanent. He wanted to tell her that he knew they were seventeen and it was crazy to think this way but he wanted this, all of it, with her forever. That he loved the way she smelled like lemons, and how he wished he could stay, but he knew his mom would kill him if he didn't show up in his bedroom. There were many things Percy wished he had said, and maybe he would someday he would, but that morning, he kept quiet.

He stealthily got up from the mattress, grabbing his boxers from besides him and put them on. The room's cold air hit his back as he left the comfort of the warm bed, and went to get the rest of his clothing. He first grabbed his pants and then his shirt, which had only been a few feet away from the jeans. Percy pulled the navy blue shirt over his shoulder, and pulled up his jeans, before actually doing either of them. He heard a small voice come from behind him, as he zipped up his pants.

"You're leaving?" Annabeth whispered, still half-asleep, her eyes still fixed on him.

"I have to, my mom..."

"I understand," She whispered as she held the sheets closer to her chest. "I just wish we had more time."

Her voice was a soft knife that pierced through the air and stuck to him. He stopped buttoning his shirt midway and turned to her, walking slowly. She was sitting on the mattress, covering up everything the white sheet, except for her naked shoulders. Her hair was pushed to the side, and although she gave him a small smile, her eyes were a brewing storm, grey clouds moving hastily on the horizon. He approached her, and kneeled, meeting her eyes.

"We will, we'll have all the time in the world, I promise you that." He mumbled looking at her, his hand softly touching the side of her face.

She ran her hand over his, and held it for a few seconds before whispering,

"Go, your mom's gonna kill us both if you don't get to your house before she wakes up." A small smile played on her lips, she gave him a soft kiss before letting him go.

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