Star Maps and Mute Questions

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Percy laid on his back, his naked body covered only by the white, satin sheets; as Annabeth snuggled closely to his chest, quietly breathing down his neck as she pointed at the patterns created by the small plastic stars above them.

They had both calmed down from their previous adrenaline rushes and had decided to lay down, letting their bodies nestle in the comfort provided by the run-down mattress. She remained close to him, her hair pushed back, splattered across his chest, as she spoke softly into his neck.

"What about that one?" She asked, aiming her finger at the small cluster of glow in the dark dots that resided over them.

He took a deep breath and looked in the direction her finger was signaling.

"Um... Leo?" He spoke, unsure of his answer.

She plopped herself on her elbows and turned to face him, a sly grin plastered on her face.

"That... is actually correct Mr. Jackson." She said and kissed him on the lips, as her fingers traced invisible lines across his skin.

"I have my moments." He smiled, and ran his hands through her golden curls.

They kept that up for awhile, and every time he named the correct figure, he'd get a kiss. He decided astronomy wasn't half bad after all. Annabeth continued talking about the stars and galaxies, meanwhile, he began drawing his own set of constellations down her back, creating and connecting small circles with his fingers. He could barely understand what she was saying, but he didn't mind hearing her babble on about the immensity of the universe. After all, her voice was warm and soft, and for some reason it reminded him of spring. It was an unique sound, strictly reserved for post 3 AM conversations. The way she drew out the raspy syllables, letting her true Californian accent creep in, and spoke in quick whispers because she was too lazy to raise her voice, small yawns interrupting her stream of thoughts every now and then, made Percy realize how strange it was that he could know so much about her, and not know anything at the same time.

Her smile stretched itself on her lips, as slight traces of pink still burned on her cheeks and her eyes seemed to flicker like candles in the dark. That was Annabeth's real smile, unlike the small smirks she'd thrown his way every now and then, Percy noted. It brought to warm summer days of fooling around Camp Half-Blood. He could almost feel the sun hitting his back and the salt in the air from the lake fill up his nostrils. He could hear Annabeth's laughter ringing in his ears, as he chased her down the vast strawberry fields, sweat trickling down his chest and forehead. He pulled her in closer, tightening his grip around her naked waist. Percy felt her entire body pressed against him, her heart beating at an even pace, as he ran his fingers up her bare back and pushed the soft honeyed ringlets away from her face. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Her eyes were brilliant silver orbs that followed his every move, her cheeks still remained rosy and her lips were soft like velvet petals. When he'd first seen her, he'd thought she was a princess, a vision fabricated by the drug-induced state he'd been in when he'd first woken up at the infirmary. But those attributes no longer seemed appropriate, she had evolved beyond that, and he had clearly noted she was neither vision nor a princess. She was more like a storm with eyes and a beating heart. She had entire galaxies constantly forming themselves in her mind, some that even she didn't know of, and lightning that ran through her veins. There was a battle cry within her, an ancestral burden that constantly shackled her bones and weighted her heart, but she carried it effortlessly. She was gorgeously fascinating, and he half suspected he'd been a goner ever since he'd first laid eyes on her. No matter how many times he got lost, she always brought him back.

"Stop looking at me like that." She mumbled, self-consciously tapping her fingers on his chest.

His eyes lingered on her face a while longer, before his gaze fell on on her hand, a small smile remaining on his lips.

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