Drunken Hearts and Lost Words

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Percy chased after her, towards the street, but she was moving too fast for him.

He was already dry by the time he crossed the door. Everything seemed like a split image in his head. Like everything around him was at hyper speed while he was stuck in quicksand. He felt like he had a black hole forming in the pits of his stomach, a feeling of dreadfulness taking over.

"Annabeth, wait!" He yelled at her, but she kept walking.
He didn't care that he had stormed out on his friends, or that everyone was now looking at him. They were merely just background noise to him.

He cursed under his breath. She was about 20 feet away from him now, and he could no longer see her face. Percy had monumentally fucked up. He decided not to waste anymore time, clumsily chasing after her, and dug his hand into his back pocket. He took out the keys, and rushed towards the black sedan parked on the sidewalk. He brusquely jammed the keys into the slot and turned on the engine. Percy moved sloppily, but curtly, making a collection of strained turns and halts, zig-zagging unto the road Catching up to her, Percy rolled down the window by the passenger seat.

"Annabeth, I can explain! Please, just," He kept the car moving slowly along the sidewalk. "stop, get in the car. I can explain!" He repeated.
The words fell from his mouth heavily, like each word had been awarded a new syllable that had to be dragged from his lips.

Annabeth said nothing, she simply kept walking. Her eyes looked bloodshot, and in the darkness he could see the small traces of smudged eyeliner along the corner of her eyes. He repeated the words, like he was saying them for the first time, and that would make her hear him.

"She kissed me! Okay, she kissed me! I didn't know, I—" He stopped himself short and slammed his fist against the steering wheel.
He saw her head shake and her lips move, but the words weren't directed at him, they had left with the cold autumn air.

"Dammit!" He groaned, slamming the breaks on the car.

"Did you hear me? Get in the car! Lets talk!" He yelled at her once more.
She didn't budge, she didn't turn around and screamed at him like he hoped she would, instead she took small, shaky steps along the empty street.

A voice, in the back of his mind taunted him. You're just gonna let her walk away from you like that? Like you're nothing?. Maybe it was his wounded ego combined with the impulsivity and lack of rationality induced by the alcohol, or maybe he was simply tired of being shrugged off, and walked away from like he didn't matter, like he didn't mean anything to her. Either way, Percy was angry, and tired and, most of all, drunk. He was a time-bomb whose clock had finally expired and he was ready to explode, at anyone or anything.

He moved the gear shift to park, and got out of the car unsteadily, and slammed the door shut.

"Look at me, don't just fucking walk away!" He slurred, as he dragged his feet.
His voice was cold and grave. His breaths were shallow and he was sure he looked like hell. She ignored him again, which only fueled his irritability and anger. Frustration poured out of his voice as he called after her.

"Stop acting like such a hypocritical bitch, and talk to me!"

That made her stop in her tracks. She turned around and faced him, her eyes grey like steel and stormier than ever. She looked down at him, burning holes with her gaze. He stood only a few feet from her, his senses slow, and unreliable. He stood up straighter trying his best to maintain what little balance he had left. There was a venomous air in the silence between them, one that cut through them like daggers. She didn't speak very much, or very loudly, but what she said was enough to unhinge him.

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