Late Nights and Memories

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        Although, Percy had been to Annabeth's apartment a few times when they'd started dating, he'd never spent the night.

        Percy didn't know what time it was, but it was already dark out. Annabeth fumbled in the darkness trying to unlock the door to her apartment. Much to Percy's surprise everything was quiet, which seemed odd considering they were in the city that never sleeps.

"Do you need help?" He asked after a a minute or two of standing in the dark, watching Annabeth's silhouette furiously try to open the lock.

"No, no, I'm fine" She said hastily until she finally managed to open the door.

"Stupid key! There." She exclaimed, letting Percy in.

        The entire apartment was probably the size of Percy's living room, which wasn't much. There was a small mattress with pillows and sheets thrown on the floor next to a window, a small desk with no chair and papers scattered all around it, a door that let to the bathroom, and a kitchen that consisted of a mini-fridge, a stove, a small sink, some cabinets and a microwave. The place was a lot messier than he thought he would be, considering how tidy she had her cabin back at camp, this looked like a hurricane had just passed right through it.

        Percy noticed that the wall behind the desk was decorated with old pictures of Annabeth, one of them was of her with a satisfied grin plastered across her face in front of the Lincoln Memorial, another one was one of her and Percy, he had his arm around her and they were standing by the lake at Camp Half-Blood. They'd taken that picture the summer before they'd started dating, before he'd disappeared.

"Um, you can sit, well wherever you want really considering I don't really have chairs." She mumbled, trying to straighten up a little bit.
        She was hastily organizing papers and throwing away some old Chinese takeout boxes from her desk. Was she nervous? Percy decided not to say anything. She ran her hand through her hair and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry there's such a mess… I haven't actually had time to um, clean up." She said, looking tired.

"Don't worry about it, it's still better than my room." He joked and she smiled.

        She went over to her drawer and pulled out a few articles of clothing. Then she opened another drawer and pulled out a shirt. "Um you left this the last time you were here, I guess it's more comfortable than your hoodie, so here." She said handing him his old t-shirt.


"Yeah, no problem." She said awkwardly moving past him.

"I'm gonna shower, just give me like five minutes." She continued,standing in front of the bathroom door.

"Okay." Percy nodded, his hands still fidgeting inside his pocket.

        She nodded and closed the door behind her, leaving Percy alone in the tiny room. He looked around and took a seat in the mattress by the window. He could see the Empire State from there and he wondered if Annabeth ever stayed awake and looked at the skyline to calm herself back to sleep. Percy looked around the room. The room didn't have much decoration, just a few purple colored walls that contrasted with the white furniture and floor. She also had a few posters hanging from the walls as well as books scattered around the floor. He noticed she had hanged the Sherlock poster he'd given her for christmas, after the battle of the labyrinth. In between battles and quests, she'd somehow managed to watch the entire two seasons and completely obsess over them. Percy saw the poster at a print shop at the mall one day and convinced his mom to get it, he figured she would like it.

        Something else caught his eye, he looked up and noticed that glued to the celling were dozens of those little, glow in the dark, plastic stars. They were scattered all over the place, all with different sizes. He guessed this was as close as you could get to a starry night in New York City. It took him a couple of minutes before noticing that they were arranged into different constellations. Typical overachieving Annabeth, he thought to himself. She'd made him learn most of them last fall, when they were walking around in Paris during their one-month anniversary.

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