Carnal Remedies and Saltine Lips

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Percy's hands were on her waist now, clinging onto her, flesh on flesh.

Her lips moved aggressively on his, as both of them danced back and forth. He could almost taste her, feeling her skin become hot at his touch. She let out a small, unsuspecting gasp as his hands lingered at the hem of her dress. They both stumbled, and crashed unto the wall behind them.

It certainly wasn't something he was used to, this was an entirely new feeling on its own, overwhelming to the senses. Annabeth had always been the leader, the one to take charge for the both of them, but now... He felt her breath hitch and her grip tighten as his hands roamed the various parts of her unexposed skin. Then again, he was the one with his back against the wall as she placed long, open mouthed kisses on his lips. There was something ultimately alluring about having Annabeth mold into him, about getting a reaction almost immediately whenever he dragged his curious hands to a new spot. It was, for lack of a better word, hot and it boosted Percy's confidence like nothing else. He decided to take advantage of the situation, and turned them around, pressing her back gently against the wall.

He brushed his lips against hers, slowly, breathing in her air. Then, he traced the soft outline of her jaw with his mouth. He was completely consumed in her. Her hair, her taste, her smell, everything was addicting and he felt intoxicated. Percy traced a line of kisses down her neck, onto her collarbone, savoring each inch of skin as he left his marks. Like a trail temporarily tattooed onto her body. She ran her hands through his already ruffled hair, and threw her head back against the wall. With eyes half closed, she let her hands roam through his own body, as their breaths fastened. He could feel his own heart, pounding violently against his chest.

It felt good to touch her, to have her touch him, not necessarily in a sexual way, although he thought (or more accordingly hoped) that was where they were rapidly heading. His hands moved up her waist, through the side of her torso, until he felt the hem of her bra underneath the fabric. Layers, there were too many between them. He wanted to tear off her dress, and inhale her. He imagined her, with her dress hiked up, and her legs wrapped around his waist, rasping out his name. His blood boiled, and rushed towards all kinds of places.

Gods, he wanted her. Every single piece of her. He wanted to be tangled up in her, until neither one of them remembered where one ended and the other began. Percy felt a small whimper escape his throat. He needed this, to feel her. To know that she wasn't just a ghost in his memory, that she was there, living, breathing, concrete. That she was with him. That she too was caught up in the moment, that she too acknowledged they were burning through each other's bloodstreams like poison, devouring everything that stood in their way.

He stopped kissing her body, long enough to look at her. Annabeth's eyes were wide open, and her lips were slightly parted as her chest rose up and down with her heavy, shaky breaths. A pale light came through the small window. It barely hit either of their faces, but he knew they both must've looked the same. Sweaty, dazed, breathless. Overcome by each other's own selfish desires and yearning. In that moment, she looked older, more like a woman than his childhood friend, and by the way she was looking at him, he suspected he did too. But she was still a girl, and he was still a boy, and in the eyes of the entire universe, they were still the same kids who had been running from the world's atrocity, for years now.

There was a pause. A long moment of silence before either of them dared to say a word. They didn't remember how they had gotten to where they had, or how many things they had stumbled upon or pushed to the ground in their manic frenzy, but the truth was, it didn't really matter. She reached up, and gently touched the side of his face. A roughness met her touch, a stubble, she noticed.

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