Coffee Black and Egg White

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They ended up marathoning the entire first season of Sherlock.

        Although Percy had a little bit of trouble keeping up with what was happening on the show, he decided it wasn't actually half bad. They were both laying down on the mattress by this point, Annabeth, who'd been holding the computer, had her head on Percy's chest as he draped his arm around her. He could feel her heartbeat next to his and her slow, warm breaths on his neck, and while it wasn't the most comfortable position to be in, Percy decided he could live with it.

        He guessed she must've fallen asleep somewhere towards the end of the second episode, because before he knew it, the computer slid off Annabeth's lap and fell with a thump on the floor. The show must've stopped playing, because the actor's thick British accent, was soon replaced with the distant sound of cars passing by and his girlfriend's breathing. He decided to peak at her while she slept for a few seconds.

        Her hair had dried into messy curls and was splattered all over her pillow, her face remained emotionless but peaceful. Percy wondered what she could be dreaming about and if he fit in her dreams somehow. He couldn't really move, not with Annabeth curling up next to his chest, with his arm, but he tried his best to pull the sheets over both of them. He breathed in her scent, lemon with a touch of vanilla. He thought for a moment, how perfect this was. To sleep with a person, it was as simple as that. To hold them as you synchronized your breathing with theirs, and drifted off into unconsciousness.

        The only other time he'd slept with Annabeth had been in the stables in the Argo II. They had sneaked out during the night, and ended up falling asleep there, but only that, sleep. It wasn't that Percy hadn't thought about sex, because he had, and he was after all a seventeen year old boy. But the possibility had seemed a lot more likely before he'd been kidnapped by the crazy, Olympian goddess. He'd thought about it during his stay at the Argo II, too, but the timing had never felt...right. Then they'd fallen into Tartarus, and the timing felt even worse!

        Of course, there was always the hope that maybe in the future it would finally feel right and then they could worry less about saving the world and worry more about being average, hormonal teenagers. That is, if they still had a future together, and Annabeth didn't dump Percy before. Percy had never brought up the subject with her, he didn't want to pressure her into anything, she was after all his best friend before she was his girlfriend, and he didn't wan to make her uncomfortable. He decided not to dwell more on the subject, that would only leave him feeling embarrassed and inadequate.
Instead he decided to stare at the stars above them, connecting the dots and repeating the constellations' names in his head. He didn't notice when Annabeth shifted in his arms.

"Percy?" whispered a voice, heavy with sleep. He turned to face her.

"Hey..." He whispered back.
        He couldn't see her through the dark but her hand reached over desperately patting his face and chest and whispering his name, as if to make sure he was still next to her.

"Annabeth, I'm here, I'm here!" He repeated, cupping her hand with his. He felt her let out a shaky breath before laying back down.

"Sorry, I just, I dreamt..."

"It's okay. It's all fine." She didn't finish her statement, but he could feel her jagged breathing. She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him fiercely toward her, burying her face deep in his chest. He wrapped his hands around her, soothing her hair.


"Yeah?" Her voice was small, and muffled.

"I love you." She whispered into his chest.

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