Pretty Girls and Brooklyn

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After about ten minutes Percy thought maybe they could go over to the bridge.

        It wasn't anything special, and it was probably still crowded at this time, but it felt right. Maybe it was because he would always go there during his worst nights, and somehow he thought having Annabeth with him would make it better. Percy felt guilty, he'd asked her out, only to not have any idea of where to take her, and show up late looking like a homeless person. His hair, he was sure, looked wilder than usual and his eyes still looked baggy.

        He looked better than he had a week ago, but that in no way meant he looked anywhere remotely close to good. He hadn't even changed since he'd left the hospital. He was still wearing his old sneakers, that were covered in mud and dirt, some baggy dark grey sweatpants and a navy colored hoodie, he'd put on in an effort to try and hide his old t-shirt that reeked of antiseptics and medication.

        It was a miracle Annabeth hadn't dumped him on the spot. He pulled her over to the side of the rode, with one foot on the sidewalk and the other on the road, he lifted one hand in the air to hail a cab.

"We're taking a taxi?" She asked and he nodded.

        In less than 30 seconds, a bright yellow car swerved around the sidewalk and came to a halt next to them. It was a trick Paul had taught him, whenever you wanted to call a cab, just put one foot on the sidewalk and another on the street, it's like the universal: Hey, look at me! in taxi talk.

He opened the door, and Annabeth got in, he got in after her and closed the door.

"Where to?" Asked the driver.

"Chambers Street, please." Percy responded instinctively.

        He wasn't quite sure how he knew the street name but he hoped he'd gotten it right. Annabeth looked at him questioningly. Brooklyn Bridge?, her eyes seemed to ask, Percy smiled and nodded his head. Even though, she'd lived in Manhattan for a lot less time than him, she probably knew more about the borough than he ever would. She gave him a small smile and turned to look outside the window. Percy noticed she still hadn't let go of his hand, that made him smile. He decided to look out the window as well, and watch the cars pass by. He almost felt like he was in a movie, but he knew no film could be as shitty as his life was. Between the hectic traffic and the overpopulated streets of the city, it took Percy and Annabeth more or less fifteen minutes to get to the bridge. Percy had paid for the cab fare with some money he'd found in his hoodie's pocket and now him and Annabeth were walking across the boardwalk, towards the bridge's middle shaft.

        This is the spot, Percy thought as he reached the rails. It was almost twilight and it was unusually quiet. Only a few bikers and joggers passed by them, here and there; most of the street artist had already packed their stuff and were ready to leave, and the few tourists that remained were on the other side of the bridge. For the most part, Percy and Annabeth stood alone over the railing.

Percy glanced both ways, before hauling himself up.

"Percy, what in the holy hell are you doing?" Annabeth half-asked, half-shouted.

"Relax! I've done this, like" He paused for a moment, pretending to count.

"a hundred times before, it's fine!" He said.

He was now standing on the edge of the rails. Below them he could see the sea, it looked peaceful.

"Percy, I don't think those railings are meant for standing unless you're planning to jump!"

        The way she said it, she sounded terrified for a second and Percy turned around to face her. He extended his arm.

"The view from here is great, c'mon wise girl." He said to her, his voice was sweet and she just looked at him like he was crazy.

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