I Know Something you Don't.

531 21 6

Month or so later

"TAYLOR, OH MY GOSH, TAYLOR," I heard a familiar voice yell, causing me to wake up.

I groaned into the pillow, "What the hell do you want, Li?"

"Oops, I didn't mean to wake you up," I could picture him smirking.

"Yes, you did," I grumbled into the pillow.

I heard him chuckle slightly, "I know."

I leaned up and pushed back my brunette hair that was covering my face [A/N: don't remember if she dyed her hair back brunette after those few months, but were saying she did.]. Liam was straddling me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Is this how you're going to wake me up every morning? I can get used to this." I flirted.

"Whatever you want, babe," he leaned down and placed a small kiss on my temple. "But were going to Louis' house with the lads in a few hours."

"We can't act all 'couply' though," I sighed.

"I know. I can't do this," Liam pulled me out of the bed and placed his hands on my waist loosely. "Or this," he leaned down and started kissing my neck, and nipping it, surely leaving a love bite.

I pushed him off of me, so he wouldn't let him get his way.

He sighed, "Maybe you should get ready for Louis'."

"And you just automatically get to decide whether I'm going or not?" I teased.

"Yes," he stated dully.

"Fine. Why are we going so early?"

"Lor, it's two in the afternoon!" He exclaimed.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" I asked, running to grab clothes that are inLiam's closet for a shower.

"You would have killed me."

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed.

I hate being woken up in the mournings.

Just let me sleep. Seriously.

"I'm getting in the shower, babe" I called to Liam.

He walked up to me, placing his large hands around my waist. "Can I come?" He asked, smirking.

I laughed sarcastically, "Heh, that's cute."

"Aww come on, baby," he pouted.

"Have fun," I sung, walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I heard Liam sigh from his bedroom.

Now on with my shower.


"TAYLOR!!" I heard Louis yell as I walked into his house.

Louis and I have become rather close. It's not a bit awkward, which I love. Out of all the boys I'm closest to Louis. Besides Liam of course.

Zayn and I are pretty close as well. That's mostly because of Perrie.

Harry and I did despise each other, but now we get on real well. I think Jessie forced him to make an effort to talk to me, I don't mind.

Now, Niall is the one who I least talk to. I do not know why, nor do I really care. He avoids me on purpose. Kayla has been avoiding me as well. I'm confused on that one because she talks to Jessie and Perrie like its nothing. They're just probably not used to me being around yet.

"I'm boreddddddd" Louis whined into Harry's shoulder.

"Let's play a game," Harry wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk on his face.

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