What Happened Last Night? Part 1.

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"WHAT THE HELL, BITCH?!" I woke up to Allison screaming, and now crying in the middle of the night.

Where was I?

I was on the floor in someone's bedroom....in my bra and underwear? WHY AM I HALF NAKED ON THE FLOOR?

"WHY ARE YOU BASICALLY NAKED?!" She yelled/cried again.

"What the...." I heard a voice from the bed that I knew to well. "Allison!" Liam jumped up from the bed, and put his arm around Allison, trying to get her to stop crying. "It's not what it looks like! I swear!"

Please explain to me what happened last night, and why I'm half naked.

Right now, I'm too scared to say anything. Too shocked. Too confused. I have no idea what's going on right now.

"Explain. NOW." Allison calmed down a bit, but her nose was still stuffy from when she was balling. "Taylor. Get out. Liam and I need to have a talk on why he cheated on me with a SKANK."

I look over to Liam, and he nodded. "Get out." He growled.

I felt my eyes start to water, and I ran out of the room. Yes. Just in my bra and underwear. I didn't care right now if anyone was awake, nobody was though.

I tried to remember what happened last night. I don't remember a thing. All I remember was going to the club, and Louis buying us drinks.

I think I would know if I had sex. Especially with Liam. I've seen him naked before and he has a very large...um never mind.

I just know that I have a massive headache, and I need Advil, AFTER I get dressed. It's really cold in here at night.

I walk into Louis' room, since he keeps my clothes in there.

"Taylor?" Louis whispered from the bed. He sounded wide awake. "Woah, wait. Why are you like naked?" He asked, surprised.

"Don't stare, and I don't even know why! Can someone explain to me what happened last night?" I do my best to cover myself up as I search for clothes.

Louis bursts into laughter. "Well love, let's just say you LOVE to dance when you're drunk."

My eyes grew wide. "Oh no."

"Oh yes." He said, grinning widely.

"Did we like have sex on the dance floor or something? I remember nothing." I ask, putting my clothes on.

He laughs even harder. "Yeah, basically. I guess you could say that, you're good at grinding though when you're wasted." He winked.

"I'm sorry." I climbed into the bed with him, and laid my head on his shoulder.

"It's alright, babe." He smiled, and kissed my forehead. "I loved it."

I looked up at him, and he winked at me.

"God, you horny child." I teased.

"Hey! I'm not a child! I'm 21, thank you." He defended.

"Wait, why are you awake at like three in the morning?" I questioned.

"Oh, well we couldn't find you and Liam at the club, so we spent an hour or two looking for you guys. I instantly sobered up somehow, I don't know. Allison was flipping out, thinking Liam was cheating on her. I was flipping out too, because I thought you passed out or something since you were REALLY drunk. Everyone else was flipping out because we couldn't find you, and they were worried. Obviously, but we just got home like 20 minutes ago, and you weren't in my bed, so I stayed up until you came in with me, and now here you are!" He smiled. "Why was Allison screaming anyways? I'm surprised the others didn't wake up."

"Well, for some reason I was on Liam's floor in my bra and underwear."

His smile instantly fades.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"I'm almost positive we didn't have sex, Lou."

I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He wrapped a strong arm around my waist. "It's fine, love."

"I'm hungry!" I wined. "And I have a headache."

"Lets make some pancakes!" He chuckled. "I'll get you some Advil too babe."

"Pancakes? At this time? No Lou, you haven't been to bed yet." I shakes my head.

"Hey, yolo!" He said in a girly voice.

He picked me up bridal style, and took me into the kitchen.

"Put me down!" I squealed, trying to get down.

"Okay." He smirked, sitting me on the counter top. "Now you just stay there while I make a masterpiece."

He walked over to the stove to start cooking his "masterpiece."

I really like Louis. Wow. He's just so sweet, and funny, and cute. No matter how much I tell myself that, Liam's still cuter, sweeter, and funnier, but he's taken.

"Louis, why do you think Allison  hates me so much?" I whispered just enough for him to hear me.

He looked up from the oven, and came over to me.

"I wasn't aware that she did? Do you want me to "cut a bitch" as Kayla would say" He laughed at his own joke.

"Well ever since I went to kings island with Liam, she has. She's been saying things to me when it's just her and I, then when we're all in a group, she acts like a total sweetheart. I don't get it." I shook my head.

Louis came closer to me, standing in between my legs (as I was still on the counter, his face inches from mine.

"Just don't worry about it love. She's just jealous" He gulped. "Of how beautiful you are."

He leaned in kissing me softly at first. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer to me so our bodies molded together. Our tongues danced together. No matter how hard I tried not to, I still thought of Liam while kissing Louis. They were both such amazing kissers.

He pulled away slowly, putting his forehead against mine, trying to gain back his breath.

"Taylor, I know you really like Liam, but I think you know you like me too." He paused thinking I was going to say something, but I didn't. He continued with what he was going to say. "I could help you forget about Liam if you just give me a chance, I'm better for you then he is. He has a girlfriend who he's been dating forever, and all you guys have ever been was friends. I really like you Taylor, and I hope you like me back. Just give me a chance, and I promise you, you won't regret it. You'll forget that you even liked Liam."

"Where are you going with this Louis?"

He took a large breath. "Taylor Danielle Bell, will you be my girlfriend?"

I did want to forget about Liam, I already knew that. So I went with what my brain was telling me. "Yes."

He smiled, crashing his lips to mine.


Helllooo peopleeeeee (Niall's voice)

Awww they're dating! Noo.

People who like Tiam, don't worry ;)

Sorry this is short and suckish.

I'm very insecure about my writing, I don't know what for.

One of my friends, I love her to death, but she's a MAJOR directionator, and she likes Haz the best, like no. She was convinced Louis was Lewis. The best part was when I was at Taylor's house, and my Directionator friend was there, and she was talking about getting concert tickets for Christmas.... We were carving pumpkins while she was talking about this. I like stabbed my pumpkin so hard when she said that, I legit was about cut her, lol.

Anyways I'm sure you don't want to hear about my life, so farewell! Until Thursday my lovelies! <3

No Matter How Hard I Try (ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon