Chapter 8

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I stood there motionless still trying to comprehend what happened. Did Alec just walk out on me? After stirring up the fight did he just leave in the middle of it without any explanation.

Wow, wasn't that a jerk move.

I blinked and looked around finally getting a hang of myself. I looked at Max and Henry who looked at me concerned but they knew better than anyone to not interfere in whatever happened. And I was grateful to them for that.

"I am so sorry for that." I heard Olivia say softly.

I shook my head and gave her a smile, "It's alright."

I don't know what she did. I don't know what made Alec act so spontaneously but whatever it was he had to let it go. He can't go on asking people to not be friends with someone just because of an incident. Whatever it might be.

"I will get back to you later." Olivia muttered looking down before walking away with a fast pace.

I watched her go out the cafeteria the same exit as Alec. I knew she didn't feel comfortable at all right now and it was totally fine.

I sighed before going and sitting in my seat and finally opening myself to Max and Henry's questions that were about to be thrown my way.

"What just happened?" Henry said slowly.

Even they looked as shook as anyone right now. I leaned back a little in the chair waiting for them to soak in everything that happened.

Max was the first one to process it because he slammed his hand lightly on the table before leaning in a little, "What even did Olivia do?"

I raised my hands in exasperation, "God knows what is wrong with him."

Max nodded his head slowly at me before going back in his seat and thinking.

"Whatever it was it might be bad." Henry said with all seriousness, "Because Alec doesn't lose his temper easily."

"But he should let go of it now." Max reasoned, "Clearly, Olivia feels guilty about it."

Henry shook his head at the both of us, "He mentioned Liya. Which means the rumours of him being in love with her were true. He still is. You can see he can't seem to let her go."

All this talking was making me feel sick.

"Get to the point." I said sourly.

Henry looked at me skeptically before shaking it off, "I am just saying that Olivia might have done something really horrible to hurt Liya so I can see where Alec is coming from. It's the same as if someone does something to hurt Max in the worst way. I would hold a grudge against that person too."

He would hold a grudge against that person too. Of course he would because he was in love with Max. Just like Alec was with Liya.

Max looked at Henry with adoration before throwing his arms around him and hugging him tight. I could see Henry struggling and pushing him away lightly while muttering at him but there was a small smile playing on his lips as he enjoyed it.

Too much for acting tough. I chucked lightly.

"It's almost time for the next class and I didn't even get to eat much." Max complaint.

I got up from my seat collecting my things before passing him a smile, "Be sure to fill yourself in whatever times left."

"What about you?"

"I don't have an appetite anymore." I said walking away, "I will get my books for the next class."

As I walked out and took a sharp intake of breath I realised how suffocated it felt in there.

I checked the time in my phone before making my way towards my locker. I stopped mid way as I saw Brian and Evelyn just opposite to me walking in my direction. But that was not why I stopped. I stopped because there she was...Liya.

I don't know why I stopped once I looked at her. Probably because she was the last person I wanted to see after a whole fight broke out because of her.

I quickly turned around to leave but I heard Brian's voice, "Book thief?"

I couldn't help but look back and saw him pointing at me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise before facing them properly.

B-book thief? Did he just call me a book thief?

"What?" But I realised what he was talking about, "I told you I was just returning his book after he forgot it." I rolled my eyes.

He continued walking towards me before stopping just in front of me, "So it's you. I didn't know your name."

"Doesn't mean you will call me the book thief!" I looked at him wide eyed.

He looked at me sheepishly as he asked, "Give me your name then."

I looked at him weirdly before finally giving him my name. Whatever it takes to get him and Liya out of my face. Because I could literally see her standing there just staring at me.

"It's Serenity Halls." I said giving a half nod.

I don't know what went through his mind because he acknowledged it a few seconds later, "Serenity," he smiled, "call it a hunch but I feel like we are going to interact a lot in the future."


I saw Evelyn smack his arm, "Are you really flirting with her right now?"

Brian diverged all his attention to her, "You know I will never flirt with anyone because you get jealous."

She huffed, "I don't get jealous!"

While they bickered I could see Liya standing there chuckling lightly to herself at them.

Brian looked at me again, "See you next time then, Serenity." He bid farewell with his two fingers but not before saying, "I hope we stay on good terms or else you know how it goes."

As he walked away with his friends I stool still thinking. Did he threaten me? But he called it a hunch! I don't want to do anything with him or his friends. I don't like to meddle with anyone so I doubt we will have any kind of interaction in the future.

How it goes, he says. Everyone knows how it goes. Getting on Brian's bad side means getting pranked by him in the worst way possible.

Gosh. This is like my third or fourth day since I returned and all I have been getting is entangled between them. No matter how much I am trying to stay away it's pulling me in too.

And all because of Alec.

I will have to put up with him till the last day of project though. So I will try to keep my distance from him. That sounds good. Besides, after what happened in cafeteria I doubt he would want to tutor me today.

I sighed. What did I get myself into?


I was laying in my bed with my eyes half closed trying to drain out all the tiredness when I heard the doorbell ring.

I wiped the sleepiness from my eyes as I sat straight in my bed.

Was mom home? Did she get off early today? Are my ears ringing or did the bell really go off?

And there it rang. Again.

This time there was no doubt that the doorbell rang. I sprung up on my heels and without even bothering to throw my slippers on I ran barefoot to the door.

Before opening the door I took in a few deep breaths as I prepared myself to finally see my mother after so many days now. Working such long shifts isn't easy after all.

As I was done I sprung the door open excitedly expecting to see mom standing there with a warm smile.

I felt my heart stop and my smile drop the second I opened the door. Rather than seeing my mom I saw him looking back at me with his same icy blue eyes. But this time they weren't cold like before.



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