Chapter 26

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I waited for the bus outside my apartment. I looked down and kicked a stone lightly before checking the time on my watch.

I watched as a car pulled up right in front of the apartment. I stepped a little back as to not get squished under it. Don't want to die yet.

I was still looking ahead to watch for the bus when I noticed Alec getting out of the car. I looked at his car and mentally face palmed myself.

How didn't I notice it? How didn't I notice, it was Alec's car. I could have run the other way at least.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I watched him get to my side. He was wearing a white hoodie which matched to his car...Throw him on the car and I wouldn't be able to differentiate between the two.

Without saying anything he opened the door to the passengers seat.

I stared at his face dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked.

He turned to face me, "Making these ten days worth it... Get in. I'll drive you to school."

"I gave you ten days to figure your feelings out, Alec. You don't have to do this." I shook my head at him.

He closed the door before crossing his arms, "I don't have to. But I want to, Serene."

"Just use the ten days to figure your feelings out." I squinted my eyes at him.

I wanted to tell him to focus on figuring out his feelings as soon as possible. To not do these because it won't be helping with my feelings at all. Again. How is he such an airhead to not realise that?

I saw the bus coming as I slipped the bag on my shoulders. I looked at Alec and watched him looking at me a little hurt.

Stop with these looks. I already hate that I am putting you through it. It almost makes me regret that why do I even feel the feeling you feel.

"I want to spend these days with you. Figure it out with you." He said stepping towards me while I took a step back.

He watched me confused as I walked away from him.

I climbed the bus slowly before looking at him one last time. To find that look of longing in his eyes.

Should I have gone with him? Am I doing it wrong? Trying to keep my distance away from him...I am doing that right, ain't I?

I sighed before entering the bus. Many of the seats were already taken. Except one. I quickly went to take it. As soon as I was sitting, I tried to peek through the window—trying to look for Alec.

I was surprised when I couldn't see him. I looked a little further and noticed his car still standing there.

I bit my lip lightly before falling back into my seat with a sigh. I guess, he really went away.

Is it weird that I was the one who asked him to go away and yet when I couldn't see him I had this sinking feeling in my chest?

"What are you looking for?" I jumped up with a hand on my heart. I snapped my head to look in the seat beside me.

My eyes widened as I pointed at him, "Y-you. What are you doing here?" I asked trying to move back in my seat.

He was literally standing near his car a while ago. Why, was he sitting next to me out of no where.

The sky blue eyes twinkled their way into my heart as he passed me a grin, "You didn't want to ride with me, doesn't mean I can't ride with you. If the bus is what you want. The bus is what we take. Just together." He shrugged his shoulders.

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