Chapter 12

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"You gave him my address!" I gritted my teeth at Max and Henry.

I could see them both grinning at me sheepishly. I showed them a punch.

"Come on. He wanted to apologise so we had to give it to him. What's so wrong about it?" Max pouted.

"We almost burnt my kitchen because of his apology." I muttered.


"Nothing." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. Come on. You will get late for class. Stop hating us for such a small thing and go inside." Henry pushed me into the chemistry class.

The both of them laughed and high fived each other while I cursed at them as they literally closed the door in my face. Great. Such great friends I have.

I sighed before turning and looked at my seat.

Olivia was already sitting in her seat as she waved at me and motioned me to the seat next to her. I smiled as I walked to my seat and put my books down.

"How are you?" I asked sitting down.

"I am alright." She gave me a smile, "It was nothing to worry about really."

We both knew we were talking about her fight with Alec. Even though she said it was nothing to worry about I couldn't help but feel guilty every time I see her.

"Hey, can you go sit somewhere else?"

I looked up upon hearing the similar voice. And as expected I saw Alec standing there near Olivia's table with books in his hands. He put them on Olivia's table and crossed his arms.

"This is my seat. Why don't you go and just sit in your goddamn seat?" I could hear the coldness in Olivia's  voice.

I could see Alec clenching his jaw as he forced a smile, "You see, I asked Mr Weiss for the seat because we are partners for the project and she has to catch up to class too and guess what he said? He gladly agreed."

There was a evil smile on his face because he knew Olivia can't say no now because he took Mr Weiss' permission.

She banged her hands on the table as she got up and mumbled incoherently before going away without saying anything else.

Alec sat beside me while I looked in the front without even giving him a glance. I don't know if he could tell but I was mad at him.

Just yesterday he came to my house to apologise for trying to break my friendship with Olivia and look at him now literally kicking Olivia out of her own seat by giving excuse of the project.

I turned my head around to look at Olivia who was sitting with someone else now. She was scribbling in her notebook when she looked up and her gaze met mine. She smiled at me softly and I could feel myself feeling so bad for her.

How can she still be smiling at me after all Alec is doing to her?

"Are you mad at me?" I heard Alec say from beside me. I turned back around in my seat and without looking at him I hummed in response.

"I did it for the project." He pulled his seat a little closer to mine, "No ulterior motive whatsoever." I could see him holding his hands in mid air through my peripheral vision. He put them down and called my name again.

Sighing, I finally faced him but I was surprised when I saw him sitting too close. His face was mere inches away from mine. I could feel his blue eyes boring into mine as he raised one of his eyebrows at me.

I cleared my throat before putting a distance between us.

Does he not realise what he is doing?

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