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Anthropocentrism( photo not mine. Taken during the final practice of paladin )Haha. Humanism. Mankind at the center of the universe. Let us first defamiliarize or simply unhinge our familiarity of the said term from its original definition. But before that - let's jump first to another lexicon~ Imagine, heliocentrism - during the Copernican Revolution - it was around 16th century since Nicolaus presented the heliocentric model ~ that the sun is the center of the are the sun.And all the planet around you are the lost threads and broken pieces of yourself. Or versions of you that you decided to no longer embody.The Mercury is your unforgiving self.The Jupiter is your pessimistic tendencies.Your Jupiter has four massive Gallilean Moonsand each one of them has been desecrated by your god for not following holy commandments.The Neptune is your overconfidence with a violent bone. That was your character - a spineless jerk who punches every wall and every face of the fucker who stole your identity for metaphorical gains. The Mars is your skeptic criticism. Your grammar nazi play with an overly spiced shreds of condescendence - the one you overfilled with baloney. The Saturnis your coward rendition with a stuttering mouth- you stutter even when you pray. Uranus is your too much loyalty- you trust too much in a way that you no longer know what's pure. Your Pluto has been wrecked by the new year's firecrackers for telling lies the whole year- even to the man in front of the mirror.Earth has been the wild of you. All of them revolves around you every day and they want to disclose to you that without them, the sun will not shine the way it does, or it won't even regenerate its heat even if you win debates using the Socratic method or making the opponents lose by letting them use ad hominem. The sun. It's you. The best version of you so far. Every star outside your parameter are hopes that you've been telling yourself artificial lights for damn whole life.The milky way is your passion you've been keeping in your proverbial pockets for nineteen years. The rotation of every planet means that you remember them every day. And every revolution means that you keep on improving every year. Now tell me- are you ready to face more planets? Or are you going to change your shape again? Let's quit the science of things.In philosophy ~ anthropocentrism ~ again, mankind is the center of the whole system.According to some books or most ~ man is even above god. The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist - wait, does it mean we're the devil? Was hell now empty because we're all here trying to he more superior than god? On todays episode of everyone knows but nobody cares - we all are trying so hard to be nice, to be kind - respectful and all, but aren't we to be called hypocritic by just trying and not doing them naturally? Do we need a good genius to or a we trying to just sound smart? Does Anthropocentric means we are also above nature? We can kill dogs? Or torture cats? Or get ivory from the baby elephant? We once read the bible and we've been decoded that god was also in human body ~ does it mean - we can also be god? Ironically no. We can not be called as god~ but maybe abiding and understanding that the holy one created him as human ~ it tells us, to not be more human. Because humans are animals. Humans are self-centered bitch. Humans are mortal sinners. Maybe ~ the definition of Anthropocentrism ~ is no longer in the books of philosophy. Maybe we should start poring over - on the book of life. I hope you can easily decipher my Acronym code, take it logically - that the "Best Instruction Before Leaving Earth" has been published before your existence. Got the code, yeah?

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