{You Saved Me, Now I Saved You}

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Wilbur's POV~

I watched carefully from the shadows as Quackity walked towards the prison with his axe over his shoulder, although he may be taking my word for advise, I won't let him hurt my saviour. . .
As he entered, that set off an alarm in my head, if Sam wasn't letting anyone in then why did he let Quackity???

I snuck in and watched as Sam gave him the nod and walked off to Dream. . .
I frown, only growing more suspicious about this. . .
I watched as Sam sat down in his seat, and looked really. . . Really guilt. . . So, I decided to do the only thing for poor Sam. . .

After making sure he was knocked out cold, I quickly followed Quackity to Dream. . .
Luckily because of Sam, the bridge wasn't pulled over yet, so I gulped down an invisibility potion and followed Quackity. . .

Once in the cell, I watched as Dream coward in the corner. . .
I watched as Quackity taunted him and I watched, as he beat my Hero. . .

My Saviour. . .

Before Quackity could deliver another blow to Dream, I grab the end of the axe,"W-What the fuck!?!?", I pulled, dragging Quackity along with it, away from Dream who looked confused. I yanked the axe out of his hands and before the potion wore off, I whacked him hard on the head. . .

Dream stared at me with fear, I smiled and walked over to him,"You're like a little kitten in the corner. . .", I run my hand through his hair, remembering that use to calm him. . .
I gently picked up my bloody and wounded hero, he whimpered at I left my hand brush over a wound,"Hey. . . It's alright. . . I'll take you home. . .", he gulps down his pain and wrapped his arms around my neck to keep himself from falling. . .

I wrapped my coat around him slightly as we walked through the snow, I radioed Dad and Techno and they were fine with Dream being there because they owed him for helping them destroy that stuipd nation. . .
As we got closer, I looked down at Dream and smiled. . .
He was asleep, he looked real peaceful when he was sleeping. . . It was cute. . .

After I got inside, Dad immediately started to attend to the wound of Dream, with mine and Techno's help. . . Some were deep, some weren't.  . .

After finishing, we put Dream in a spare room, Philza went to bed as did Techno, while I decided to stay and wait fkr Dream to wake up, just so I can make sure he is OK!

At around, 2am, Dream slightly opened his eyes, I smiled and ran a hand through his hair,"Wha. . .?", "Hey, Dream. . . Don't worry. . . You're safe here. . . Don't worry. . .", he slightly nods, I smile. . .

Because DayDream was Now Safe. . .

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