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Esmeralda yawned, opening her eyes for the first time in england

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Esmeralda yawned, opening her eyes for the first time in england. She looked to her left seeing the door shut unlike it was last night before she went to bed making the girl pout. Groaning esmeralda pulled herself out from underneath the covers.

Immediately the cold air hit the girl, making her frown. Rubbing her eyes, Esmeralda left the room seeing cat laying outside of her door. "Morning." Esmeralda said cooing at the cat and petting it.

Esmeralda walked over to the kitchen rubbing her arms with her hands hoping the friction would warm her up. It was freezing in goerges house, at least not to the boy but when you come from a warm state like Florida, England makes you feel ice cold.

George sat at the kitchen island, phone in his hand and a spoon in the other. "Morning." Esmeralda said, making George look up a smile on his face. "Morning, sleep well?" George asked, watching the girl reach for the cereal having problems grabbing it making George chuckle grabbing it for her.

"Thanks, yeah it was fine, little cold but fine." Esmeralda said, humming when the cold milk hit the back of her throat. "Sorry bout that, I forgot how cold it gets here. So um jack is picking us up in an hour."

Coughing lightly from the shock and the cereal esmeralda looked up at the boy. "Oh um okay i don't know him but okay.." esmeralda said making georges eyes widen forgetting that the girl didn't know any of the british boys besides tommy and tubbo. "Right shit well um jacks a streamer he's funny and kind i think you'll get along."

Nodding esmeralda put her empty bowl in the skin walking towards the bathroom. "Okay well i'm going to go get ready i guess." she said watching George's expression a small smile on her face. She didn't want to admit it but George's morning hair was cute, it was a mess and strands were sticking out everywhere but it suited the boy.

Esmeralda followed George to a small silver car with a boy inside. "Gogy!" the boy yelled, waving the two over, making George smile. "Jack this is esmeralda, esmeralda this is jack." George said, watching the two shake hands and smile. "We're lucky Wilbur isnt coming or we wouldn't have room."

The group exited the small car tubbo standing next to esmeralda chatting about whatever came to the boys mind esmeralda listening intently with a smile on her face. George smiled at the pair walking over to Jack who was filming Tommy do the intro. "We're in the t- the jungle!"

Esmeralda popped up to the other side of tommy when george did laughing with the boys a smile never leaving the girls face. Jack stopped filming for a second letting the group walking a little esmeralda, never leaving tubbos' side.

Glaring down at the military jumpsuit the group was forced to wear. "I hate this." Esmeralda grumbled tubbo smiling at her. "It'll be worth it when your jumper doesn't get muddy!" the boy said, making Esmeralda sigh. "Yeah i guess you're right"

Esmeralda watched the rain hit the window of Jack's car humming lightly to the song coming from his speaker. She's never felt so tired in her life. The first time meeting these boys and she had to do exercise. "I'm never hanging out with you guys again." Esmeralda joked, making the boys laugh.

"Thanks for the ride jack!" esmeralda said waving bye to the boy making jack wave bye back before leaving. "Do you still have the rock?" George asked, remembering the white rock he had picked up giving to esmeralda after Tommy made fun of him.

Nodding, the girl collapsed on the comfortable couch pulling the rock out of her pockets for him. "Keep it." George said, walking to the couch and sitting next to the girl's head. Esmeralda looked up from her head being on the cushion with an idea in mind.

Quickly she moved, laying her head on the boy's lap closing her eyes feeling her cheeks flush. George's cheeks flushed just as bad as hers, maybe worse. Smiling George put one hand in the girl's hair playing with it while the other scrolled through twitter.

authors note💌;

i really didn't want to do the whole video sorry ://

i really didn't want to do the whole video sorry ://

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