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Harry's POV:

The strangely attractive boy who found me, whose name I've learned is Zayn, is practically dragging me through the woods. He seems to know the way back easily, making me stumble past roots that he glides over effortlessly.

He tries to make small talk, but seeing that I won't respond, he starts asking 'yes-no' questions.

"Are you a newly made rogue?" I nod, while tripping over a large root that happens to be in my way.

"Are you newly shifted?" I think about if I should answer this. Will he mistreat me for shifting late?

Feeling like I can trust him, I nod my head shyly.

He sees my hesitance on the topic so he drops it. I'm very glad that he cares about my feelings enough to drop the topic.

"Do you know about mates?" I give him a 'kind-of' shake with my hand, since I knew they existed but not what it entails. My parents were waiting for my shift to happen before explaining, and when I didn't shift they just left me clueless.

"Well, I'll explain them. Mates are made by the Moon Goddess. They are bonded by the souls, which creates a special bond between them," he starts. "They feel sparks when the touch and get lost in each others eyes easily. First comes the meeting, then marking and then the mate."

Ohh...I felt sparks when I touched him, I feel them radiating from his palm right now. I point at him in question, asking if he's my mate.

"Yes, I'm your mate, princess." He says quite smugly. I blush at the endearment, but I roll my eyes at him, feeling a bit confident.

He looks at with shock, but quickly covers it with an arrogant expression, "What? You should be happy that you got such an attractive mate!" That makes me laugh. He sure is full of himself.

"Oh my god! You've got dimples! Just when I thought that you couldn't get more adorable." He said, looking at me fondly.

I blushed, quickly looking down. He chuckles and continues walking.

We soon reach the pack house, but it looks more like a castle. Where am I? Did I run into the ruthless neighbor's pack?

They don't seem very ruthless from what I've seen so far. Zayn leads me up the stairs to his room. We had to walk so many flight of stairs! I thought that I was going to die!

We finally reach the floor where his room is. I see that it has its own kitchen and living room. That's convenient. Still holding my hand, Zayn drags me to his room. He makes me sit on the bed and I take a look around.

His bed sheets are navy blue, having hardwood floors and white walls. His furniture is made of dark wood and their is a massive T.V hanging above his dresser. There are three doors in this room, one leading to the hallway, one probably for the closet and one for the bathroom.

Zayn brings me a cup of water, and I take it gratefully. I practically chug the whole cup of water, not remembering when the last time I stopped for a drink was.

Zayn chuckles lightly at me, making me blush a deep red. I lower the cup from my mouth when I'm finished, and grab Zayn's hand. I give it a quick squeeze, trying to show him that I'm thankful.

Zayn smiles at me, and goes to retrieve something from the desk that's in the corner of the room.

He comes back with a notepad and pen, handing it to me. I take it cautiously, not knowing what he wants me to do with it.

"Maybe you could write your answers if you still don't feel comfortable about talking," he says softly, having patience with me.

I nod and prepare to write.

"What's your name? I can't keep calling you curly or princess, no matter how much I love to call you that." He says, "Even though, I think I'll still keep on calling you princess." He finishes with a smirk. I roll my eyes and wrote down my response.

"Harry. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful boy." He tests my name out on his tongue and nods lightly, seeming to like it. I blush again at his compliment, not used to being treated so well.

"How did you become a rogue?" Zayn asks curiously.

I try to decide what to write, not wanting to give him my life story. So I simply wrote, "Kicked out for being an omega and shifting late."

Zayn reads my note and growls, scaring  me. I flinch back in anticipation, waiting to be hit. My hands go up to protect my face. The pack members would always growl at me when they would hit me.

When no hit comes, I look up into Zayn's eyes. I see regret and compassion in his eyes. Zayn's eyes wander over my body, and I suddenly feel very insecure. He sees all the bruises and scars that haven't faded. I see anger light up in his hazel eyes, a fury that I can't describe. He doesn't growl to make sure he doesn't scare me.

He tries to stay calm when he asks, "What pack did you came from?"

I write timidly, not wanting to make a sudden move and have him lash out at me.

"The Night Howlers Pack? We have an alliance with them. Did they mistreat you?" He asks angrily.

I nod, and look down in shame. I don't want to get my pack in trouble! Well technically they aren't my pack anymore.

Zayn puts his hand under my chin and lifts my face up. I looked into his gorgeous eyes, soon getting lost in them.

Suddenly I'm distracted as I hear footsteps approaching the room. Soon a man walks in, he looked a lot like Zayn. This must be his father.

"Who is this? And what did you do with the rogue?" The man questions Zayn, who looks down sheepishly.

"The rogue turned out to be my mate. This is Harry." Zayn says with a proud smile on his face.

The man, who I assume is the Alpha, looks me up and down. I look down quickly, showing him my submission. As an omega, I have to submit to everyone, especially the Alpha.

"No need for that, Harry. I'm glad that my little boy finally got a mate!" The Alpha suddenly looses his serious face and gets all excited. He was about to say something else, but then I heard another pair of footsteps.

In walks in a beautiful woman, with long brown hair and  beautiful brown eyes. She has a strong presence when she walks in the room, she also seems to be an Alpha. I look down again, not wanting to displease her.

"Who is this?" She asks questioningly towards Zayn.

"My mate, Harry." Zayn states. The woman starts jumping up and down, seemingly excited.

"My little baby finally got his mate! I am so happy! And he is cute one too." The woman rambles. Zayn and I just watch with an amused smile.

This is going to be exciting.

Hope you have a good day 💚💛

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