Chapter 18

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Before you start reading, how cute are they?!😭😍

Zayn's POV:

I feel this intense pain in my head, which wakes me up. My wrist is hurting and so are my ribs. This isn't my must be Harry's.

Looking over to where Harry last was, I see that he's no longer here. I sprint out of bed and stop only to put on a pair of sweatpants, not wanting to run around in my boxers.

I mind link Louis, Liam and Brandon to come meet me in the backyard.

When I reach the backyard they were all there waiting for me. Brandon was the only way who seemed to be wide awake. What was he doing up so early?

I quickly inform them of the situation, "Harry is missing and he is in pain, we need to find him as soon as possible."

They all nod, and we start heading towards the forest. One of the elderly pack member runs up to me and asks, "Are you looking for the future Luna? I saw him go on a walk into the woods earlier this morning."

I say a quick 'thank you' and run into the woods. I catch his scent quickly because we've mated already. I suddenly stop when I hear a whimper in my head. No. My baby is hurt. I failed him.

"Baby, where are you? Haz! Hold on for me baby. I'm coming." I say through the mindlink.

My blood was boiling. I swear I'm going to kill that fucker who dared to touch him. Nobody touches my princess and gets away with it.

I sprint farther into the forest and the others struggle to keep up with me. Where is he?!

After about 5 minutes of running, I see a body laying on the ground. I feel the tears prickle my eyes. I failed to protect him.

Leaning down beside him, I feel for a pulse and check his breathing. He seems to only be unconscious. I'm just glad he's alive. Louis, Liam and Brandon all gasp at the sight of my mate's body. He has blood all over his face, his wrist looked deformed and I see bruises forming everywhere.

Liam helped me pick Harry up, being careful to avoid hurting him. I mindlink Doctor Kendall, telling her that Harry is in a bad shape. I also mindlink my parents, wanting them to know as well. They have treated Harry as their own, I know they would want to be informed of this.

We finally make it to the pack hospital and took Harry to the directed room. Kendall did kick us out and I was pretty mad about that, but I didn't do anything. After we got kicked out, we headed to the waiting room.

My parents finally came and my mom seems to already be in tears. My tears have started falling long ago, I stopped bothering to wipe them away. My mom tries to wipe hers away, wanting to be strong for me.

Standing up, I hug her tightly. My dad soon joins in on the hug, wanting to comfort us both.

Doctor Kendall finally comes back out with the news. "It seems he was beaten pretty badly, he has a shattered wrist and multiple broken ribs. He also has a pretty major concussion, he might not wake up for a while. You can go see him now."

I walk into the dreary hospital room, and stand beside Harry's bed. Even with all these bruises he managed to look like an angel. My angel.

I smiled softly to myself and grabbed his non broken hand, and kissed his knuckles.

"I love you so much, princess. Please wake up."


Do you think Harry will wake up?

And also, I'm really sorry for not updating this book in a while. I was focused on "Back to You" and forgot to update this.😬

Sorry if it's trash (like me) and I'll try to update Back to You and this book tomorrow.


Hope you have a good day💛💚

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