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AN: Yeah, so I made a little mistake. Oops. I know I said that Zayn is 21, but I obviously didn't think it through. So, for this story keep in mind that Zayn still goes to college and he is taking Harry with him. Sorry for making such a stupid mistake.

Zayn's POV:

Harry was reluctant to go to school, knowing that his old pack shares the same one as us. He doesn't want to get hurt, but I will make sure no one ever hurts him again.

We wake up earlier than usual to get ready. I was dressed in my normal attire, a skinny black jeans with my favorite leather jacket and a black shirt underneath the jacket. Harry was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, which was similar to mine, and he was wearing my oversized hoodie. I loved it when he wore my clothes. He looked so adorable in them! Makes me want to squish him all day.

I just stand and stare at his gorgeous body as he gets dressed, looking at his thin arms and legs. I realize he is very underweight, so I'm happy that I've been making him eat three meals a day.

We ride to school in my black truck, Harry admiring the interior and the exterior the whole way. Arriving at school, I see my mates all waiting for me in front of the school. Harry had already met my girl......female friends, but he hadn't seen my boy......umm....male friends yet.

Harry walks slightly behind me, probably scared of all the students. I hold his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

I can feel him tense up as he sees some people from his pack, but no one says anything to him. They just stare and whisper.

We reach my friends and I introduced them all to Harry. "Haz, this is Liam, he is my future beta of the pack. This is Niall, he is Liam's mate. And I've to warn you, don't eat or even think about eating food in front of Niall, or he'll eat it all up." Everyone laughs as Niall pouts. "Then this is Louis, he is the future head warrior of the pack and he is also my partner in crime. And these idiots are my other friends, this is Luke that's Ashton and finally this is Brandon." I say. "And everyone, this is Harry, my mate." I see Brandon staring at Harry for a couple of minutes before looking away. I brush it off thinking he is just admiring his beauty. But if he stare at him again, I'm definitely punching him in the face. Brandon was a new member in our group. He didn't talk much but he was pretty cool.

They all say hello to him, and Niall starts talking, "Hi Harry! It's soooo nice to finally meet you." I hoped Niall and Harry get along, cuz Niall is one of the sweetest and friendliest guy I've ever met. "Yeah! Zayn's always talking about you. He's really obsessed with you, I can see it in his eyes." Louis says smirking at me. He was obviously trying to embarrass me. "Shut up Lou." I say, embarrassed.

Harry squeeze my hand, making me feel a bit better. I look at him and see amusement dancing in his eyes. I'm glad he's enjoying this.

The bell rings, so we head off to our first class. I made sure to have all our classes be the same so I could protect him. I don't want him getting hurt while I'm not there.

We sit through all the boring long classes, not having any trouble with the teachers because they knew Harry doesn't talk. Some Night Howlers Pack members tried to mistreat Harry but I quickly put them in their places with a growl.

We walked to lunch and I see that fucker that poured water on my mate a few days ago. I know him, he is the other Alpha of the school. His mate, Mark is the typical bully while he acts like he owns everyone.

Harry's eyes land on them and he hides behind me, not wanting to get bullied. Too late, Kyle locked eyes with him and is coming our way.

"Look everyone, the mute freak is hiding away from us. Pathetic." She spits at a cowering Harry.

"Shut your fucking mouth and mind your own fucking business. No one wants to hear you talk," I say angrily, resisting the urge to beat the fuck out of him. I'm not scared of him at all. And now that our packs are going to war, I can talk to him in any way I want.

"Whatever, you two are worthless-" But before he could finish his sentence, Louis interrupts him. "Then why are you still standing here you ugly faced bitch? Take your attitude elsewhere and stop acting like you own everyone. Nobody listens to you." I smiled at Louis and he smiles back.

Kyle just huffs and stomps his way back to his table. Harry turns to Louis and smiles at him. Then he turns to me and hugs me tightly, "Thank you." He whispers in my ear. I hug him back and kiss his temple.

After that fiasco, lunch goes smoothly. All my friends have a table to ourselves and we laugh at stupid jokes and keep things lighthearted.

Overall, this school day wasn't too bad. Kyle didn't bother us for the rest of day. But what happened after school is one of the worst things I had ever seen

Cliffhanger......what do you think will happen next?


Hope you have a good day💛💚

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