Chapter 3

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The last of the liquor from the third bottle went down his throat. He missed him. He really missed him. Wei Wu Xian could not believe how he could have possibly thought it was a good idea to sell that stupid donkey. He even ate apples for breakfast, but that donkey shaped hole inside him was still empty. (You really thought he was thinking about Lan Zhan, didn't you. ;p)

Those conceited cultivators of the Jin sect were all to blame. Wu Xian really didn't want to lose to them. He could have laid low. They really didn't seem to recognise him. These younglings should have been toddlers when the YiLing Patriarch used to rule the darkest dreams of the people. But those kids really needed to learn a lesson.

To be honest, Wu Xian could not really remember what took place the other night. He barely suffered any memory loss after drinking. But he could remember only bits and pieces from that night. He remembered these people clad in light gold white peonies walk into the tavern and ask for the most expensive liquor available. They started shouting at the owner when they realised there wasn't as much of the liquor in store as they wanted. To be honest it wasn't the owner's fault. This was a tavern in a small town. It barely got any customers that were rich enough to buy this expensive liquor. They also complained saying the waiters weren't attentive enough and that the tavern was way too crowded. It seemed like they expected, as soon as they walked in, the staff should stop everything else and wait on them.

It reminded Wu Xian of how years ago, him, Jiang Cheng and even his older sister (Shijie) along with other members of the Jiang sect was thrown out by that peacock bastard from a tavern. Oh no, as soon as those words hit Wu Xian's brain his heart clenched in pain. He could not think ill of Jin Zixuan. It seems like there was no hatred towards him in Wu Xian any longer. He felt like the Jin Zixuan who existed before the wedding was gone. He could only think of him as Jin Ling's father and his sister's husband. And the reason he was no longer on this earth was... was........

It seemed like that night he got angered by these youngsters' arrogant behaviour. He remembered walking towards them planning on teaching them a lesson. He remembered drinking, probably to show off his alcohol tolerance. He wondered what Lan Qi Ren would have thought, but he really couldn't lose to those Jins now, could he? He remembered walking along the streets teaching them some night-hunting techniques and whatever. They must have spent money along the way, because he remembered not wanting to appear poorer in comparison. So, his drunken brain must have come to the conclusion of selling little apple. He could not even remember when and where the trade happened.

It didn't matter. Even though he remembered it was not like he could have gone and bought little apple back, because whatever money he got for the donkey seemed to have magically disappeared. Maybe he really needed to check his sleeves because there's no way he spent all that money in one night. (Ancient Chinese people seems to stuff things in their sleeves like we do with pockets, so...) Or did he sell little apple for a really cheap price?

He collected his stuff and went downstairs to buy some more liquor jars and head to wherever. He was already bored with this town. Even night-hunting is boring. Originally, he was planning on roaming as far as he could without heeding borders. But he really didn't feel like leaving behind.... Leaving what behind? His family? Wen Ning and Sizhui? Lotus Pier? Lan Zhan?

But he didn't want to go back either. He didn't feel like Jiang Cheng would be too pleased to see him at the Lotus Pier. And Gusu on the other hand with its 4000 or so rules. Why did Lan Zhan really had to be living there out of all the places? He knew being a really close person to the second master of Lan sect, he could have broken a few rules and gotten away with it. But Lan Zhan being the righteous second master is the same reason he couldn't. He didn't want to be a bruise to his reputation than he already was.

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