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[Strip or Dare]

Loud music was blasting out of the speakers, Shuhua and Yuqi managed to persuade Minnie to come with them and let them go here. Their friends were already inside and they are actually an hour late.

S H U H U A -

This is gonna be another blasting night but my body hurts like hell from a straight five days training. There was nothing special happened for my week and at least it's already weekends.

"Welcome to my friendly party." I laugh at how Lisa unnie greeted them. "Friendly party my ass." I heard Minnie unni scoffing at my side.

This two can really be the bestest of friends who likes to tease each other so much, I left them there to give them their space to settle their issues. I wandered my eyes around and saw some people by the backyard who's hyping up.

I made my way towards there, the music was gonna blow up my ears I swear. The pool was quite peaceful with some people just sitting by the gutter talking.

"Shuhua do you want to join?" I look ahead and saw Tzuyu standing by near a long table, it was crowded by people making me think of what actually is happening there to have a good amount of people crowding around it.

I ended up watching it, I arched my eyebrow seeing Elkie holding the bowl with the names of all the people who's currently here. Tzuyu said that it was randomly pick. I don't really do things like this. I don't play.

But I love to watch.

"Tzu I'll just go get a drink." I didn't wait for her response as I walk back inside of the house to get something but I remembered what Minnia unnien said before we went here.

This party was pretty not into heavy alcoholic drinks as per Lisa's dad said so they only have beer and wine here.

I silently laugh seeing some students grinding on each other like there was no tomorrow. "Shuhua sunbae~nim." my ears perked up hearing it. Another wave of girls.

I turned around giving them a smile, "C-an I a-sk for your number?" I chuckled but I'm not the type of person who just giveaways my phone number that easy even though she's quite cute and fine but still.

I leaned to whisper to her ear. "I'm sorry but work on it to get it." I whispered with my raspy voice, I can feel her trembling as I moved my body away.

I left the girl there finding my way to the kitchen to get some beer.

I haven't seen Yuqi ever since we stepped foot inside this house. 'Where is she again?' I don't also see Minnie unnie around. Did they left me here? Anyway it's not like I can't go home by myself.

I was seated by the couch just enjoying my can of beer quietly, I've been zoning out lately well according to my friends which I haven't really noticed.

It's bothering me.

I gulped down the contents placing the empty can on the coffee table. I rested my head on couch, breathing slowly and steadily. I stared at the ceiling feeling lost and drowned again with my thoughts.

My Gentle Delinquent [Sooshu]Where stories live. Discover now