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"Where's Shuhua?" Yuqi asks looking around noticing that the youngest wasn't beside Soojin right now. "She texted me earlier that she's just gonna meet us at the front gate." Soojin answered while staring at her phone. Shuhua haven't replied to her since earlier.

"We need to eat lunch soon, we have to go back early to watch the booth over." Yuqi said as she sent a message to Shuhua. Today is the last day of the festival so they are extra busy today since a lot of students from different universities are visiting their campus.

S H U H U A -

I looked at him blankly, "What did you say?" I ask coldly. "Do you really want me to repeat it over and over again? Is it that good to hear that your girlfriend is a who-" I clenched my fist throwing a punch right into his face. There is no way I'm letting this slide.

I thought this would be informative like what the girl said to me earlier. I guess this is only one of those people who doesn't have anything to do in their life.

"You can punch." I arched my left eyebrow. I took a step back before twisting my right foot giving him a round house kick. "I can kick too you idiot." I scoff as I watch him helplessly on the ground. "If you don't have anything much to say then I'll be going now. You're wasting my time." This guy just really wanted to pick a fight with me.

He stood up throwing a fist onto my face, my precious face is a no no. I moved away fastly. "You're slow." I commented but more on like mocking him. I swear he's slow much slower than a turtle.

I winced in pain feeling my scalp hurting like hell. I don't like my precious scalp hurting. Is he really a man? Why grab me through my hair? Just punch this is making my head spin. I gritted teeth before carefully turning around not wanting my scalp to hurt more. I grabbed him by his hair also.

Men's scalp are sensitive, "Are you really not gonna stop?" I ask furiously pulling his hair more, I grabbed his hand that was grabbing my hair keeping it away from me.

Twisting his right arm right behind him, he's like a high school girl squealing but in pain. I pushed him right into the ground. "Stop or I'll break your bones into pieces." I seriouly said but I think this guy doesn't know how to stop at all. He pushed me to the ground sitting on my stomach.

"YAH!" I moved the guy away from me punching him on his nose that got him wincing in pain.

"Oh JinJin." I innocently said as I stood up with my arms wide open but I received a flick on my forehead. "JinJin~ it hurts." I rubbed my forehead easing the pain. She didn't even look at me.

"We've been waiting for you but here you are getting into such fight." I lowered my head, it feels like I'm being scolded by my mom though I much like it when it's Soojin. "I'm sorry." I apologize with my hands clasped together.

"If Somi didn't saw you going here then we wouldn't know." I frowned hearing that name. "Somi~ssi?" I ask raising my head up but she didn't respond to me. She grabbed me by my hand pulling me more on like dragging me away.

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