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[Shouldn't have seen]

Shuhua drive to campus with a wide smile plastered on her face. She had a great night, a great morning with good breakfast and most especially Seo Soojin is with her right at this moment inside her car.

It happens that their schedule for the morning is at the same time though they have different classes.

Meanwhile Soojin was lost in her own thoughts she keeps on replaying in what happened laat night. Her heart was drumming so hard in her chest that night but she clearly stated that they are just friends.

She haven't been in love before and she haven't talked to anyone about her current situation. As much as she wants an advice from her mom, she knows that her mom would be asking her a lot of questions again even before giving her an advice.

She wants to ask some advice from Moonbyul or from Soyeon since the two were her friends and were the only people whose in a relationship.

She could also ask Hui but it's a no because that guy would just tease her to death.


S H U H U A -

I'm not a morning person but I have a class in the morning and that's also an excuse. I don't really attend classes but I do pass assignments, projects, reports any paper works and stuffs.

I parked the car beside my usual parking space. There were a few students around. I quickly hop off with my bag on my shoulder. I went to open the passenger seat. I waited for Soojin to come down but she isn't coming down at all.

"JinJin." I called out to her which successfully got her attention. I offered my hand for her to take. "I'll walk you to your class." I said as I secured my car.

"You don't have to, I know you also have a class. I can go there by myself." I pouted before nodding my head. She seems to be not in the mood and I don't know why. She was clearly smiling earlier before we left her apartment.

I watch her walk to the opposite side since their building is at the opposite side from us. I decided go on my way also.

Halfway to my first class I saw Hyewon from afar. "Hyewon." I called out walking to where she is. "I told you to text me when you're free. Were you really busy?" I said with one of my eyebrows arched. "Sorry if you felt like that but hey you could've just texted me also." she retorted then my darted on the person that she's with.

She's beautiful.

"I'm Yeh Shuhua, can I know your name?" I ask but I felt a hard pinch at the tip of ear. "Stop it Yeh Shuhua." I winced in pain as I push Hyewon's hand away from my poor ear. "I was just asking her." I reasoned out which was actually the truth.

I don't have any intentions other than knowing her name or if in case she knows Hyewon and is her friend also. We can be friends also then. "I'm Eunbi, Kwon Eunbi." I nodded as I smile at her.

My Gentle Delinquent [Sooshu]Where stories live. Discover now