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[Where is she?]

Minnie was seated on with a surprised look on her face as she stares at the girl in front of her.

"Okay so how the hell did my father know you?" she blurted out those words still processing on why Miyeon was here.

Long story short Minnie is currently in a blind with Miyeon who's surprisingly as surprised as Minnie also.

M I N N I E -

Yesterday she kicked me off the bed when in fact nothing really happened between us though I wished there was but no.

And now I'm soon going crazy by the fact that my father just arranged me to a blind with someone I knew. We've been sitting here for a whole thirty minutes now and we stil haven't ordered yet.

"My mom?" she answered unsure of her own answer. I sighed as fished my phone out to call my father. I wouldn't want to make Miyeon uncomfortable even more with me after what happened yesterday.

My butt still hurts from the hard fall.

And most especially I wouldn't want to make move like this.

"All I know was I'm gonna meet a person named Nicha, are you Nicha though?" I put my phone down on the table as I study her face there was curiousness plastered on her face. "Yes I am Nicha." I took my personal I.D for proof in case she would not believe it.

"I use my surname Yontararak here too but my friends usually call me Minnie. My nickname I guess so I was used to people calling me Minnie. I only use my real name on special family occasions." I explained, wait why am I even explaining this.

I dialed my father's number, waiting patiently for him to pick up my call. 'You better pick it up or I'll burn your cars father.'

I cleared my throat up as soon as he answered the phone call. "Oh Nicha, why'd you call? I hope you're having a really good time with your date. I know she's your type." my cheeks flushed in a brighter shade of pink. 

"This will be the last blind date I am going to agree to." I said seriously, I swear I am so done with all this blind date that my father always sets for me. "Nicha I wan-" before he can even finish his words I immediately ended the call. I massaged my temples feeling tired of this. I look at Miyeon with an apologetic look. 

"I'm really sorry for this, I'll drive you home." her brows creased making me confused but in no time she was smiling brightly at me.


It was so silent inside the car, no one dared to talk at all. Miyeon was just looking outside. The car stopped and Minnie immediately got out but Miyeon was already out. "Oh." she mumbled. 

"I'll see you at the university?" Minnie sounded a little unsure, Miyeon just nodded not muttering any word to the Thai. Minnie felt a tug on her heart at how the older acted. 'Did I do something wrong?' she asks herself while entering her car.

Miyeon flopped down on the couch heaving a deep sigh. "What's wrong?" Miyeon clenched her chest obviously surprised. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Miyeon yelled as she turns to her friend. "You know it's very old fashioned to leave your spare key under the doormat you know?" Soyeon sat beside Miyeon while eating a piece of pizza.

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