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[Problems away]


"Are you really treating us like this?" Shuhua rolled her eyes, she doesn't want for Soojin's parents to think that she's rude but she have had enough of her parents.

"Coming from you 'dad'. Look I don't wanna hear any bullshit from the two of you anymore, I'm not going to treat the b-" Shuhua's words were cut off.

"What are you two doing here?" Shuhua followed the voice and it was her older brother. "Shuhua is happy here and I wouldn't want the two of you ruining it." Shuhua stood there clueless as she listens to her brother.

His tone was angry, eyes were begging the two to leave.

"Why are the two of you so angry?" Their mother asks pushing Shuhua on her limit. "Ask that to yourselves, why am I angry with the two of you. I know I have made mistakes in the past and I learned on from it. I admit it was my fault why Achi died but you don't have to treat me like a fucking shit now you ask that question to yourselves. I don't even feel that I'm your daughter yet the two of you are here showing up like 'good parents' when in reality you two weren't." Shuhua bursted out.

Those emotions and words that she have kept hidden came out all at once. She was breathing heavily. Luckily the field wasn't crowded but some of her team mates were here.

Although puzzled and clueless. Soojin rub Shuhua's back to soothe the younger. "Hey look at me, breathe." Soojin cupped both of Shuhua's cheeks while whispering words to calm the younger.

"Mom, Dad please just leave." it was Shuhua's older brother. "No you're coming with us and continue the engagement that you runaway from." Shuhua snapped her head to her brother. Now it makes sense why her brother was suddenly here without informing her.

"You're going to use Shuhua so I can come back and continue that bullshit engagement that you two arranged for me? I didn't even asked for that but oh what can I expect you two are both selfless. I almost lost another sister because of how you two manipulated me. Did you two even know that Shuhua was in the verge of death? Did you two know that Shuhua stayed up under the rain at the cliff blaming herself? Did you two know that it hurts seeing my only sister suffering because of the two of you? I won't be your pet anymore. I will stand by Shuhua and protect her at all cost." Tears brimmed out of Shuhua's eyes.

All these years she believed that her brother hated her, but it really wasn't the case.

Their parents gritted their teeth walking away didn't want to further the discussion. If they don't want to then don't but it will not be that easy.

Shuhua run to her brother hugging him so tight. "A-hia." Shuhua's voice cracked as she let those tears out. Yuqi could only watch as she knows that Shuhua needed the comfort of her brother especially when it comes to family matters.

Shuhua has been always a family oriented person. Her older brother would always be there for her and it was her older brother that taught her things that she needs to know.

Soojin smiled sadly as she turn to look at her parents. "Are you Soojin?" Soojin immediately turn to face Shuhua's brother. "A-h yes." Soojin stuttered. She was nervous.

Yejin couldn't help but chuckle at how nervous her sister is. Soojin's parents smiled but at the same time they felt sad of what Shuhua had gone through.

My Gentle Delinquent [Sooshu]Where stories live. Discover now