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Continuation of Soojin's POV...

The air suddenly feels cold and I don't know why.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?" Somi asks as I glance at Shuhua. I didn't let go of her hands because her hands were warm.

But she suddenly pulled her hands away. I look at Shuhua and I couldn't decipher what kind of emotions she have right now. Her face is emotionless right now making it hard for me to distinguish what she's feeling right now.

I faced Somi with a smile. "Ah no, do you need something?" I ask her. I actually haven't seen this girl for awhile. "I was hoping if I could get your number." I heard Shuhua scoff.

"Oh well that's fine by me." I answered as I fish my phone out of my pocket. Shuhua's been silent and I don't know why she's silent all of a sudden. "Really?" Somi's eyes hold a glint of happiness.

I mean who would be happy to have someone's phone number well maybe if you get the number of the one you love then me myself will be very happy but this is just for communication and since she's part of our crew I don't see anything wrong with giving my number to Somi.

I smile at Somi as I watch her walk away from us. I turned to face Shuhua who was still silent. I look at my wrist watch and I was already three minutes late.

"Come on I'll drop you off to your class." Shuhua spoke making me to look at her. "Are you okay?" I ask but she didn't answer me. Okay what just happened? We were fine earlier.

She's really bipolar.

"You don't have to drop me off, I can go there on my own. You should probably go to your class. You promised to attend all of your classes for today." I said softly, I can clearly see that she isn't in a good mood all of a sudden.

"No." I frowned hearing her answer. "I'm still gonna walk you to your class." I sighed she can really be persistent even at this time.


Students were surprised to see Shuhua with one of the famous dancer of their department Seo Soojin.

Shuhua isn't really popular inside the campus but students really like to make a fuss about little things. "I'll be going now." Shuhua said before leaving not even letting Soojin say something. Soojin watch how Shuhua walks away without letting her say anything.

"See you." Soojin mumbled to herself as she completely enters her class which was unsurprisingly not eve starting yet. She forgot that her professor was always late.

Meanwhile as Shuhua walks through the hallway she received some unwanted attention from students. Shuhua have her eyebrows almost meeting each other. She couldn't fathom the burning sensation inside her.

And she hates it.

She doesn't want to be selfish but she only wants that all smiley Soojin to herself. She walked out of the building going to her own.

My Gentle Delinquent [Sooshu]Where stories live. Discover now