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S O O J I N -

I put the wet folded towel on her forehead before standing up and putting the basin back to the bathroom.

I don't have any afternoon class for today but I have to go back to the university since my things are still there.

After Shuhua collapsed earlier, I helped Yuqi to carry Shuhua up to her car.


"I'll be back please stay with her." I didn't have the chance to say something as she immediately run and left.

Shuhua was breathing fine but it got me worried of how hot her body was. She was burning like a fire that you can even cook eggs.

'What happened to you?' I wanted to ask that but as much as I wanted to ask that no one can possibly answer my question.

I waited for Yuqi to come back but when Yuqi came back she was holding a key. After our last encounter yesterday when I was with Miyeon.

We really didn't interfere as we can notice that it seems serious and I didn't also caught a glimpse of Shuhua yesterday here in the university. I was thinking that maybe she didn't went here and skipped.

"You're Soojin right? Uh I know you and Shuhua know each other and as much as I want to take care of Shuhua. I still have classes in less than twenty five minutes. Do you perhaps have any classes for this afternoon?" I can literally see that she was hoping that I would say that 'No, I don't have any classes for the afternoon.' which I really did answer.

"No, I don't have any."


So here I am inside Shuhua's room looking after her. Yuqi asked me for a favor to look out and take care of Shuhua for the meantime.

And as soon as her classes are done she'll head straight here.

I exited the room to prepare something that she could eat. She needs to eat something before drinking her medicines.

And also I want to return her kindness also when she took care of me when I was drunk. I checked her pantry and again there wasn't anything inside except the same ramen that I saw two days ago.

'She really doesn't take care of herself.' I thought.

I glanced at the wall clock and it was already two in the afternoon. She wouldn't be awake by then so I'm gonna go out and buy some thing that I could possibly cook for her.

I'm used to taking care of person's that are sick just because my sister often gets sick back then and mom isn't always around the house so I have the responsibility to take of her.

Luckily I have my wallet with me since when I saw Yuqi and Shuhua, I just came back from a lunch with my friends. Miyeon wasn't with me for the reason that she's once again at the garden taking care of her precious flowers.

I wonder if unnie have any thoughts of dating someone. I have never saw her like anyone not even from their batch. Well for me I had this little crush with Hui before but it just faded not because Hui didn't feel the same but because I was only looking out for attention.

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