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when lexi posted her instagram post #texi became trending on twitter again. everyone was devastated with the breakup of the two streamers. they had dated for a few months and everyone thought everything was perfect. but some things took an unexpected turn as life does.

one of the reasons that the pair broke up was because distance, lexi was in the states and tommy was in the uk. it was hard for them to see each other and get the experience of what a couple should have. sure they've met a bunch of times before but neither had the heart to actually move halfway across the world, they were both just teenagers in school who streamed and played video games for fun.

the brunette girl took a deep exhale, a few tears streaming down her face. she was miserable. she's known tommy for two years. she couldn't bare losing the boy. just the thought of losing him through the breakup made her want to cry even more. her phone started blowing up with texts from all her friends and fans. karl decided to call lexi and check up on her.

she grabbed the phone and answered the call, her camera facing towards the ceiling.

"lexi, are you okay? i just saw your post" karl asked. "i'm fine" lexi lied.

"show me your face, please" karl begged. he hated seeing lexi like this. she was like a little sister to him. he was constantly checking up on her and making sure she was okay.

lexi lifted her camera, pointing it to her face. streams of mascara running down her soft cheeks.

"oh lex, i'm coming over and you'll explain everything" karl told the girl. "that would be great, thank you karl" lexi smiled at the boy. the call ended and she cleaned around her apartment a bit before karl came over. her roommate/best friend, stella was home visiting her mother so the place got a bit messy.

a few minutes later she heard the door unlock, karl walking in with no surprise to her. she immediately ran to his arms, he lifted her and carried her to the couch.

"tell me everything" karl said. lexi nodded, grabbing a blanket and wrapping herself around it.

lexi explained everything that happened to karl and he was very supportive.

"i get you lexi, maybe a break is what you guys need? i'm sure it will all work out" karl reassured the girl. which was exactly what she needed at that moment and time. reassurance.

"thank you karl" lexi mumbled into his shoulder. karl smiled in return as he held lexi in his arms.

"i'm better now stella, don't come home" lexi reassured the girl

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"i'm better now stella, don't come home" lexi reassured the girl. it was later that night and karl had left a few hours prior. now lexi was convincing stella not come back to north carolina after her breakup.

"just say the word and i'll come back" stella said. lexi nodded. "i'll be fine. you're coming back on monday night, i'll come to pick you up"

"maybe i am overreacting a bit" stella laughed, causing lexi to laugh as well. stella loved to see that, lexi laughing was one of the best versions of lexi there was according to stella. her laugh was just so contagious.

"just a bit" lexi nodded in agreement. "i'll be fine" lexi reassured stella.

"okay but remember if you need me-" stella got cut off. "call you, i know" lexi rolled her eyes playfully.

"i'll talk to you tomorrow" lexi smiled. stella nodded and ended the call. lexi sighed and set her phone on her bedside table, crawling under her blankets and drifting off to sleep quickly.

liv speaks!
stan karl for some karl grilled cheese

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