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𝗶𝗿𝗹, 𝘁𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿

lexi was now standing infront of the airport. spending the last two days with tommy went as smoothly as they could. the two got their friendship back on track, catching up on the time they spent apart.

lexi only went back to wilburs the next day to get her stuff as tommy insisted that she stayed with him for the rest of her trip. she couldn't hold up an argument with tommy so she just gave in.

yesterday was the last group meet up, with all of them this time. lexi had definitely gotten closer to tommy in the past few days than she had expected. she expected it to be awkward but it felt like they were never apart.

now the teen were standing, one in front of the other. "so this is goodbye" tommy sighed, looking at his feet. "it's a see you later" lexi smiled, bringing up his face with her finger, their eyes meeting. tommy's lips melted into a smile.

"yeah, a see you later" tommy nodded. "but that doesn't mean i won't miss you" he added sheepishly. "i'll miss you too tommy" lexi replied, a pink colour taking over her cheeks.

"well, i have to go now" lexi sighed, turning around. "lexi, wait" tommy grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

"what tom-" he cut her off by crashing his lips on hers. they both melted into the kiss, their lips dancing with the other. lexi missed his touch, she craved it.

tommy pulled away, "i'm so sorry"

"it's okay" she smiled. "don't be sorry" lexi leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "bye tommy" she said walking off.

"bye lexi" he whispered to himself, still shocked that he kissed the girl. yes he had just gotten out of a relationship, but that didn't stop his feelings.

i'm not over her, i don't think i ever will be. he thought to himself, smiling as he left back to his car.

thanks for a few good weeks brighton, i'll miss you <3

lexibails thanks for a few good weeks brighton, i'll miss you <3

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liv speaks!
they kissed
they kissed
they kissed

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