𝘅𝗶𝘃.𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗽𝘁𝟮?

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𝗶𝗿𝗹 & 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀

"she should be up in a few hours, she might not remember what happened so just fill her in or call for me" the doctor told the three. "thanks doc" karl smiled, to which she smiled back. before leaving the room.

"she'll be fine, she has to be" alex reassured his girlfriend, who was tapping her foot nervously on the floor.

"alex, take her out somewhere and get her mind off of this. i'll keep you guys updated if she wakes up" karl told the boy. he quickly nodded and left with stella.

karl let out a sigh. "wake up lex. please" he whispered.

"tubbo, i can't just storm in there" tommy yelled at his best mate over the phone

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"tubbo, i can't just storm in there" tommy yelled at his best mate over the phone.

"tommy, go check up on her" tubbo encouraged. his voice was deep and he sounded like he was tired due to time zones.

"she literally slammed the door in my face! how does one recover from that" he argued. he really wanted to go into that hospital room and just hold lexi in his arms until she woke up.

"oh my god you're such a pussy. be happy that klara agreed to going in the first place" tubbo shook his head at the boy.

"i am not a pussy! and what's that supposed to mean?" tommy asked, referring to what he said about klara.

"oh come on. we all know klara hates the guts off of lexi because you still like her"

"i don't like her tubbo, im over her" he lied. tubbo knew he lied.

"then why are you at the hospital that she's in? why did you fly out just to make things right even tho you have a girlfriend? tommy is fucking obvious, ask anyone" tubbo rambled. tommy knew he was right. how could he not like lexi?

"im just gonna go in and see if she's up" tommy told tubbo, ending the call and entering the hospital.

he walked up to the front desk, "im here to see alexa bailey" he told the woman.

"room 163, third floor" she told tommy. the boy thanked her and made his way to the vending machine getting a coke, then entering the elevator.

he made his way to the third floor, finding the room. he walked up to the door and knocked. he wasn't surprised to see karl, but karl was surprised to see him.

"tommy, what are you doing here?" karl asked.

"i just have to see her karl. please let me in" tommy begged the boy. karl nodded and opened the door for tommy, who immediately walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"has she woken up yet?" he asked. karl shook his head, "doc said she should be up in a few hours" karl informed the boy.

"do you think it would be okay if i stayed with you?" tommy asked. he didn't want to overstep any boundaries that the girl had.

"i'm sure she'd love to see you tommy" karl said. little did he know he was right. lexi wanted tommy to stay with her, she wanted to wake up in his arms. even tho she didn't know he was there.

"thank you, let me just text klara and let her know she can go home" tommy smiled pulling out his phone.


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hey klara, i'm staying
at the hospital with karl
probably will stay at his

tommy wtf?

what do you mean?

you were supposed to
be in and out
not spend the night there

i cant leave lexi
by herself

she's got karl
she'll be fine

i know she's my ex,
but it's not like that
she's still my friend

slamming the door in
your face isn't a thing
that friends do

just go back home
i'll be back tomorrow

i'll pick you up at
10am sharp

read 20:35

liv speaks!
klara slander is allowed
i hate this pls

also i haven't updated in a few days i've been busy with exams sorry

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