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𝘁𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 & 𝗶𝗿𝗹 & 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀

cooking stream later? @stellamolina @lexibailes @karljacobs
9,274💬  62,267🔁  427,268❤️

omg i'm so here for this
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stalex reunion!!
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hurry up your asses pls
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replying to lexibails
impatient lexi!!
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lexi, stella and alex were setting up alex's stream in the kitchen while waiting for karl to come with the food he was meant to pick up from the grocery store on his way to lexi's and stella's

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lexi, stella and alex were setting up alex's stream in the kitchen while waiting for karl to come with the food he was meant to pick up from the grocery store on his way to lexi's and stella's.

"okay we're all done setting up" alex told the two girls. "i'll leave you two alone then" lexi nodded, grabbing her phone and making her way to her room, letting alex and stella have some time alone to catch up.

she got a text from karl a few minutes later.

big bro💥

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big bro💥

big bro💥
hey i'm outside

dinosourlex 🙌
just come in ffs karl
i'm in my room
alex n stella r in the kitchen
i think

big bro💥
okay let me just get the food

dinosourlex 🙌
you didn't bring him?
did u?

big bro💥
no ofc not

dinosourlex 🙌

big bro💥
no i swear

dinosourlex 🙌
okay just come in

dinosourlex 🙌okay just come in

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lexi heard a knock on her door. "i swear karl, i told you to just come in" she said, frustrated. she opened the door, her mouth went into a 'o' shape when she saw the taller figure infront of her. at that moment she thought that she was going to kill karl.

 at that moment she thought that she was going to kill karl

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liv speaks!
cliffhanger lol

go drink some water
&& eat something <33

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