𝘅𝘃.𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘂𝗽

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𝗶𝗿𝗹 & 𝘁𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿

a few hours had past and it was now around one in the morning. quackity and stella went back to lexi's and stella's apartment while karl and tommy stayed at the hospital, the boys were both asleep, waiting for the girl to wake up. the doctor told them to come back in the morning but tommy insisted to stay as he "needed to see the girl"

lexi opened her eyes, scanning around the room. not remembering where she was or what happened. her eyes found karl and she smiled when she saw him. then she noticed that something was touching her hand, she turned her head in that direction and found a sleeping tommy, who held her hand like his life depended on it.

"please wake up" she heard him mumble in his sleep. an even wider grin appeared on her face. she didn't care or even think about their breakup or klara at that moment. all that mattered was that tommy was there, holding her hand.

she sat up and shook the boy a little. "hey, i'm up"

tommy immediately opened his eyes, making eye contact with the girl. "thank god you're okay" he let out a sigh of relief, pulling the girl into a hug. "you had me worried sick" he mumbled to her ear.

"how long have you been here?" she whispered. "about 5 hours" he replied. still in the hug.

"tommy, you didn't have to stay, knowing that you visited would have been enough" she told him. but little did he know she was happy that he stayed.

"i had to know you were okay" he said, pulling out of the hug. "stella and alex are home"

"what about klara?" she asked. she really didn't want to bring that up but klara was his girlfriend and she was his ex. not the other way round.

"she drove me here, was a bit pissed that i deceived to stay but i really couldn't care" he shrugged.

"tommy she's your girlfriend. i'm your ex, if i was her i would of been pissed too. she has a point" lexi took the girls side.

but she's not you. tommy wanted to say, it felt right. but it was wrong. he was in a relationship, him and lexi? just friends. there's no way she still had feelings for tommy.

"can we stop talking about this? i'll wake karl up" tommy said, standing up and waking the boy up. "i'll go get the doc, i'll leave you guys to talk" tommy smiled, leaving the room.

lexibails i'm okay everyone

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i'm okay everyone. thank u for all the wishes, ily all sm! i'll be taking a break from streaming for a bit but i'll be back soon better than ever!
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liv speaks!
no tommy content for the next 3 chapters sorry-

go drink some water & eat something

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