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after spending the whole day with jack, tubbo and rambo everyone went back home. niki went to her room and started streaming whilst wilbur and lexi sat in the living room, watching something random on the tv.

"hey lex" wilbur spoke up. she let out a hmm and looked in his direction. "you okay?"

"yeah i'm perfectly fine" lexi told him. was she telling the truth? no. was she being eaten up inside by the feeling that tommy hates her now and wants no contact with her? yes.

"you're not tho, i saw you're mood drop in the car today. you've been acting all sad and depressed all day" wilbur mentioned. great he noticed, she thought. "so please tell me what's wrong" he pleaded.

"okay" lexi nodded. "i feel like tommy has been avoiding me. he left me on read multiple times, declined my calls and didn't bother to show up to the group hangout. all because i was there" she sighed, laying down off from the couch.

"let me tell you something lexi, tommy is like a brother to me. and you're like a sister. i'll ask tommy what's up and see why he's been avoiding you" wilbur smiled.

"that'd be amazing, thank you wilbur" lexi smiled in return. she did look up to wilbur and saw him like an older brother she never had. just like with all the other guys. they were all her big brothers who would do anything to protect her.

"okay now let's get some ice cream and play geo guesser" wilbur said, standing up to grab the ice cream.


after about two hours of streaming, wilbur and lexi decided to end it for the night and raided karl, who was live with the boys and stella. she made her way back to her room and joined the stream on her laptop.

"yeah sucks that lexi isn't here right now" karl said reading the chat. "i'm fine with it" alex shrugged. oh was that boy getting a beating when she came back to the states.

lexi grabbed her phone, calling alex on a facetime call. sapnap picked up the call. "oh hey lexi" he smiled. "hey nick, pass over alex" she smiled. he nodded and passed the phone to the mexican boy. "lexi!! how are you?" alex asked the girl.

"speak in private? me you and stella?"  lexi bit her lower lip. alex nodded, telling the guys he'd be back. he made his way to the living room of karl's house where stella was, watching teen wolf.

"lexi! i miss you" stella exclaimed as she saw lexi on the screen. "i miss you lot as well" lexi smiled. "but i just don't know what's going on right now" the girl sighed.

"oh lex, what's up?" stella pouted. lexi let out a deep breath. "basically we were all hanging out today, tommy didn't show up so i texted him, and he kept on leaving me on read" lexi started.

"he did that?" alex was taken back. tommy was never one to leave someone on read. in fact he was one to answer straight away, no matter the circumstances.

"yeah, i called him too. guess what. declined" the girl shook her head in disbelief. "he's avoiding me, but he told me we would keep in touch. and now i just don't know what to do" lexi explained.

"that's so unlike tommy, like alex said he always keeps his word. maybe it's something to do with klara" stella suggested. she didn't want to assume anything.

"she's not too fond of mines and tommy's friendship" lexi agreed. it was possible that klara was demanding over tommy, which in lexi's eyes was a very wrong and fucked up thing to do. tommy was his own person. he can make his own decisions so she doesn't see why he would let someone like klara have that impact on him.

"you guys can update the guys after the stream, i'm heading off to bed but i'll call again tomorrow" lexi told the couple. "good night lex" alex smiled as she hung up. shutting her phone off and heading to bed.

liv speaks!
we love the suffering here
but suffering ends soon🤞

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