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2015 © All Rights Reserved

Love has no boundaries.

"You love me right?" said Nick, the boyfriend of Regina. His fingers connected with hers, ignoring the sweat forming from the closeness of their hands. The teen couple lounged across the couch of Regina's house while her adoptive mother laid passed out in her own room stinking of the alcohol, escaping the reality of an absentee father and daughter who continued to disappoint her with usage of drugs and failing grades.

Regina's bright green eyes gazed into his dark eyes. Without hesitation or the slight hint of doubt, she answered him, "Of course I do."

"You mean it?" He asked once more for confirmation, squeezing a tad more onto her hand as he awaited for her response again out of nervousness or anticipation.

"Yes," she answered, running her free hand through his shaggy brown hair. He loosened the grip on her hand but still kept hold of it as if she would fly away at any second. Regina looked at her boyfriend with a questioning look, "What's going on honey?" She went from laying down to sitting up to get a better look at Nick. "What's with the insecurity?"

Nick sat up to be at the same eye level with his girlfriend, shaking his head, "No, it's not insecurity. Just needed to know."

"Know for what? Are you a part of some secret cult where they only sacrifice the person who truly loves them." She joked, laying down to rest her head in his lap as she looked up at him.

He smiled down at her. "Sometimes I worry about how you think." His voice was soft with a slight rasp. His hand reached into his pocket, bringing out a blunt, Regina stared with lustful eyes, wanting to feel the paper on her lips. She sat back up, knowing he was about to light it, not wanting any of the ash to fall on her.

"Isn't that why you're with me?" Her attention went back to her boyfriend as he lit it with the lighter he always carried with him. It was blue with a sword on it, dripping blood. "For my brain."

He chuckled, "Babe, I'm with you for those nice tits of yours." His eyes went down to her chest. Her eyes widened at his comment and hand raised to smack him in the head. As she tried to strike him, he grabbed her wrist just in time to stop the attack, "I was just joking, you're too easy to mess with." His dimple showed as he smirked at her. "I'm with you because I love you." he paused to take in a drag from the blunt. Smoked flowed out of his mouth like a witch's cauldron. "And I adore your crazy brain."

"My brain isn't crazy, just wired differently."

He handed the blunt over to her and she sucked in, knowing very well soon she would feel as if her head were a balloon, ready to float into the dark sky filled with stars and she was addicted to the feeling, needing it more and more with each day, though she would never admit it.

As she held in the smoke as long as she could, she let it out to ask Nick a question that came to mind, "So why are you questioning my love? Am I not doing something right?"

"Now look who's sounding insecure." He teased.

She lightly hit him in the arm. "Stop, I'm being serious."

"You're doing everything right, believe me." She knew him long enough to know when he was and wasn't lying. Never did she tell him that, but in this moment she could tell he wasn't lying.

"I believe you, but.."

"But?" He spoke up after she ceased to continue her sentence.

"I feel like there's something you're leaving out." She didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

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