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Jane is being stalked. When the police tell her there's nothing they can do about it, she's left to deal with this nightmare on her own.

"I'm sorry Jane, if he hasn't threatened or harmed you in anyway, there's nothing we can do about it." The uniformed man said with a look of sympathy in his eyes. Sympathy, yeah right. If you really felt bad for me, you'd make this man stop following me. She said in her mind. "I wish there was more we could do. I suggest a restraining order."

Instead of saying some snarky comment sure to piss off the officer, she just nodded her head and spoke with a polite tone. "It's okay. I understand."

With that, she sent him on his way. She received no help in which she had hope for. The door closed and she looked up at her six year old daughter, Belle at the top of the stairs, looking down at her mother. She couldn't help but feel a ping of guilt for not being able to protect herself and her daughter. "Who was that, mommy?" Belle asked her.

Jane walked up the stairs until she reached her daughter then sat down on the wooden steps, bringing Belle in close to her. The embrace lasted until she was done talking. "It was no one, sweetie." Jane stared into her daughter's dark brown eyes feeling the guilt swirl more in the pit of her stomach. The thought of something happening to her own flesh and blood was distressing, bringing her close to tears. She wanted nothing more to give up, move away from the madness this man had caused her, but there were two problems with that; work and money. Without work, she couldn't afford to save up for a new house and without money there was no way she'd be leaving anytime soon.

The phone started to ring. Just that simple noise made Jane's legs and hands shake. What once seemed like a normal thing now made her want to cower in fear. Jane looked down at her daughter. "Go upstairs." She told her and Belle obliged.

Beads of sweat started to form at the top of her forehead, her hands felt clammy and throat seemed as dry as the Sahara.

Time slowed down as she inched closer and closer to the telephone. The rings came and went as she debated whether or not to pick up the phone. A part of her wanted to throw the phone out of the window, but she knew it'd be a bad idea. Jane had no clue as to what would happen if she got rid of the telephone but something in her head begged her not to. The ringing became louder as if it were getting impatient with each time. A headache stabbed into the side of her temple. Her index and thumb rubbed at her head hoping to make the pain dim down, but when no amount of rubbing availed her headache, Jane angrily picked up the cause of the hurting.

She held the phone up to her ears, not breathing or making a sound even though she was sure the person on the other side of the telephone knew she was there, listening to the hard breaths of the man on the other side.

"Stop calling me!" Jane screamed into the phone and hung up.

She began to walk away when the ringing of the phone pierced through her headache, making it much worse than before. Only this time, she didn't pick up, she let it ring and walked up the stairs to her daughter.

"Who's calling?" Belle asked and tears started to fall down Jane's face. She smiled a sad smile and took a seat next to her daughter who had been playing with her dolls. "Are you okay?" She asked when she seen the tears.

The salty teardrops hit her lips and wiped them away with the sleeve of her shirt. "I'm okay." She reassured her daughter and thankfully, Belle didn't talk anymore about it. "Do you want to get some ice cream before it gets dark?" In an attempt to change the mood, she asked a question she knew would make her child's eyes grow three times it's size with an equally large smile.

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