The Chase

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The Chase

2013 © All Rights Reserved

Kylie doesn't mind the walk home from a party until a car starts following her.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I can leave now with you." Alison said, slightly stumbling over her high heels.

Kylie rested her hand on Alison's shoulders. "I'm fine, it feels nice out anyways. You go have your fun, I need to be heading home."

Alison walked off, falling into her boyfriend's arms, heading back to the party filled with swaying bodies and teenage hormones. Kylie grabbed her phone, shoving it into her pocket. The brisk air hit it her as she walked out of the door. From there, she began her walk home.

"Leaving so soon?" Her friend, Kale from school asked her. The slurring in his words tipped Kylie off, he was hammered.

"Yeah, see you at school when you're sober." She waved him off and walked out of the yard.

A new smelled filled her nostrils. It was a change from the smell of alcohol and barf. Now she had breathed in the freshening smells of the pine trees along the roadside. Most of the walk had been quiet and dull as she tried to entertain herself by whistling or texting her friends. Not a single car passed her by in the past thirty minutes she had been walking until she was working on minute forty-five of her journey.

Her ears caught the sound of rubber riding over asphalt. A small black car with tinted windows started to drive down the road, opposite of her destination. She continued her walk, only twenty minutes from her house.

The car turned around, coming up from behind Kylie. She walked more into the grass, pulling out her phone, acting as if there was someone on the other end. "Yeah, I'm a few minutes from you." The mysterious car drove, keeping a slow pace behind her. "You know what? I think I see you." Her voice kept calm, not a stutter or shake in her tone.

The car window on the passenger side rolled down. She acted as if she couldn't hear it or notice the car. "Where you heading?" The man from the car spoke to her. His voice made her tense up. Not once did she look at him.

Kylie's pace subtly sped up as she tried to hurry to the bridge.

"You can talk to me, I'm not a bad guy." There was a smoothness in his voice as if he worried about nothing in the world. Kylie continued to ignore him, keeping her eyes on the bridge. For a split second she slyly watched him from the corner of her eyes, watching to see what he'd been doing. He remained in his car, keeping a pace with Kylie. "Who are you on the phone with?"

Kylie had forgotten she held the phone up to her ear the whole time he had been trying to communicate with her. "You see me? I'm waving." Kylie spoke into her phone, holding her hand up, waving it back and forth. She took bigger steps when walking. "Yeah that's me. I'll see you in a second." The car drove off, driving over the bridge. Kylie felt a weight from her heart lift as the man finally gave up on her. She began to run, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

She stopped in her tracks as the car came speeding back towards her. Kylie ran down a little hill leading down to under the bridge. Her feet dug into the ground as she saved herself from falling down the hill. Water flowed under the bridge, several rocks bigger than four basketballs put together rested on each sides of the water.

A pair of eyes from the water glowed, looking straight at her. She had heard the rumors of alligators living under this bridge, but never was she brave enough to find out.

She froze in place, trying to hide herself from both enemies. The alligator and the man in the car. Sounds of feet running and digging into the dirt alerted her he was there. She hid herself behind some rocks, looking at him through the cracks. The darkness hid his features, but she could tell he was lurking around. His eyes fell onto the rocks she hid behind. Her breathing stopped, keeping as still as she could make herself. His eyes looked elsewhere, walking over the moss-covered rocks, making his way closer to her.

He didn't look down as he walked past her. His boots crushing her fingers that she had resting on a rock, pebbles from under her hand jabbed into her palm. Kylie held in her screams as his boots rested against her fingers. In her head she yelled and hollered, wishing he'd go away. He looked around then moved on walking without looking back. She moved her hand, bringing her hurt fingers close to her.

The man walked away, heading back up the hill to his car. Kylie stayed there, resting her head against the rocks, feeling mixed emotions. Her cries stayed inside her head and tears never left her eyes.

Ten minutes passed after the man had left before she braved herself to finally get up. Dirt and little pebbles made her shirt their home until her hand swiped it all away. She brought herself to her feet, balancing herself before she walked over the rocks, going the way she came in.

She looked back at the glowing pair of eyes in the water before she turned the corner. "Well look who finally came out to play." The man stood there, smiling at her, grabbing Kylie before she decided to run off. "No fighting or screaming and I'll be easy on you." He warned her as he took her under the bridge. His right hand pressed against her mouth while his left hand pointed at the creature in the water. "See that? I could throw you in the water to him, I'm sure he'd love a good meal right now. You see, I don't appreciate liars. There was no one waiting for you, I checked. No one was on the phone with you. So many girls used that trick on me before." His tone grew from smooth and calm to full of frustration and aggravation. "You're just like the other girls, I should throw you in now and not waste another second worrying about you." He forced her to look into the eyes of the gator.

Kylie screamed into his hand then he pressed his hand more into her mouth. She dug her teeth into his palm, tearing out pieces of his skin. Her elbow went flying into his stomach, as he was bent over, she pushed him over, sending him falling into the water. She spit out the bits of his flesh still in her mouth. Her feet and arms forced herself up the hill then she took off running as she reached the top. Kylie grabbed her phone out of her pocket, attempting to dial 9-1-1.

Her fingers touched the screen, pressing the nine button. Before she could press anymore, the soaked man tackled her, the phone stayed in her hand. He was on top of her, forcing his body weight on her to pin her down. She held tightly on her phone as she hit him with it, using the only thing she had as a weapon.

He snatched it from her, throwing the phone down the hill, it eventually landing into the water. Then he turned to Kylie who fought him, scratching at his face, digging her claws into his face. Blood filled the wounds, making its way down his cheek then dropping off of his chin onto Kylie's clothes.

Lifting his balled up fist, he hit her one good time, causing her to fall into unconsciousness. A mark appeared on her face. He lifted her, throwing her limp body over his shoulders. Through the forest was his house.

As the man walked into the house, his arms let go of the girl, causing her to fall onto the couch. His face remained emotionless as he grabbed a chair and rope. "Same thing. Just another girl, but this girl is different.. Something about her. She's different." He spoke to himself as if she was special, his voice brightening up, as was his facial expression. A smile appeared on his face when he looked down at Kylie's body.

He tied her hands together behind the chair, watching her until she awoke. He never looked away, not even for a second. His eyes watched her chest as she breathed, her body moving up and down repeatedly at the same pace, not missing a beat.

An hour passed when her dazed eyes opened, looking around at her new scenery. They quickly turned panicked when they landed on the man in front of her.

"I thought about it while you were sleeping." He sat back on the couch, talking to her. There was a narrowness in her eyes as her eyebrows knitted together. "About why you're different." He explained. "You fought while the others never did. They just begged for me not to hurt them. All of them were stupid enough to take the ride and talk to me, but you never did. You're going to be my favorite trophy." His hands reached for a box sitting on a stand, then brought it up close to Kylie to look at. Opening it, it revealed several locks of hair, kept in a small bags with names on it. Names of his past victims.

The man walked over to the kitchen, searching through the drawers. Meanwhile, Kylie found her way out of the rope, but not making a move yet.

"Aha!" He found the scissors. His walk to her was a walk of victory, like he'd won a championship. "Now don't move." He brought the scissors close to her face, picking what spot to cut.

Kylie quickly grabbed the scissors, stabbing him in the eye. He fell back, wailing. She pushed him on the floor, getting on top of him, pulling the scissors out, his eyeball tearing out it's socket along with it. Without hesitation, she jabbed it in his throat, lodging it in there.

He smiled at her, using his last words to speak to her. "I knew you were different." He forced the scissors out of his throat, too weak to fight back. Blood spurt from his throat, he began to choke on his own blood. As he let himself fall to his side, blood spilled onto the wooden floors. A proud look filled his eyes when he looked at her. He stared at her until he died on the floor.

Kylie left, dragging his body somewhere it'd never be found. Her eyes scoped the forest, looking for a spot. She seen the bridge off in the distance. An idea popped into her head and she headed her way through the forest and under the bridge. The same pair of glowing eyes were in the water, watching her. Kylie lifted the body, throwing it into the water.

A few seconds later, the eyes moved in the water towards the man's body. The gator didn't hesitate as it chomped onto the man, crushing his bones and eating every bit of him. She watched, making sure no trace of him would be left behind.

Then she started to walk home. She didn't bother to clean the blood off of her before she left. There wasn't another car in sight as Kylie made her way home.

Her hand turned the doorknob to her house, it was still dark out. She walked in, hearing the sounds of the television on. "You're late, you said you'd be home about two hours ago." Her father spoke, not having seen the way she looked.

"I'm sorry, won't happen again." Her voice remained unemotional as she made her way to her room. Kylie walked into her room, grabbing a random jewelry box from her nightstand, tossing all of the expensive rings and necklaces onto her bed. "My first trophy." She placed a lock of the man's hair into the box, smiling with madness in her eyes.

Author's Note: Happy ending, what? It was suggestion by @rebel_nation2180. What'd you think?

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