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2014 © All Rights Reserved

When Angel is taunted by the same person everyday, she must decide what she has to do.

Angel walked down the hall like she did everyday, head down begging not to be noticed by the person she hated so much. Her arms clutched her books tightly against her chest, her long hair covering most of her face. A bruise on her left cheek started to fade from last week's beating. All around her she could hear different conversations going on as people would head to their next class, most were laughing, some were gossiping. Never did she pay attention to those meaningless conversations as she hurried quickly to her last class of the day.

Angel didn't see him, but in her mind she knew. Behind her, she could feel his presence. The bad vibe he gave off infected the hallways, she could sense his being from a little bit away. It has to be him. She thought to herself as her pace quickened, pushing through crowds of students. No one but him could have such an evil presence about them. Her thoughts clouded her mind like a poisonous gas. Angel looked up right as she was about to walk straight into a trash can. Quickly, she averted the almost disaster and moved out of the way.

No matter how fast she moved, it didn't matter because he seemed to be closer than ever before. Angel was sure she could feel his breath on the back of her neck, making the hairs on her arms stand up.

His laugh made her blood boil like soup on a high temperature. "Angel, I know you're trying to avoid me."

She didn't feed his need to torment her, she ignored him though he made his presence as bright as a neon sign at night. Almost there. She stared at the classroom door where she needed to be. He grabbed her shoulder with his tightest grip. Angel could feel his fingers sink into her skin, confident it'd leave a bruise. He slammed her into a locker, standing in front of her so she couldn't move.

"I don't like being ignored." His eyes were wide and teeth gritted together.

Angel didn't look up at him knowing she'd be paralyzed in fear. "Leave me alone, Peter." She said in a low whisper, staring down at the school tiles.

All around students passed by, taking a quick glance then going on with their business. No one bothered to stop and help, only gave Angel sympathetic looks when they made eye contact with her watery eyes.

Peter didn't listen to her, only carried on with what he wanted to say to her. "You know what I think is funny?" He smirked down at her trembling hands. Angel didn't respond, just stood there thinking of how she'd escape. His hand pounded into the locker next to her head. She jumped at the sudden aggressive action. "I asked you a question. Do you know what I think is funny?"

With a shaky voice, she nervously replied, "No, what?"

A slight chuckle came out as he spoke. "That a witch has such an innocent name."

"You know what I think is funny? You still believe in fairy tales." She remarked, in the moment forgetting what he was capable of doing to her. Her response stunned him and she took the chance to catch him off guard so she could get away from him. "Why do you mess with me? Does it help you cope with your parent's divorce? If your dad is anything like you I can see why she left him."

Peter's mouth gaped open and his eyes grew wider than before. A couple of students to their left snickered at her comment. Angel rested her hands on his shoulders before kneeing him in the groin and taking off to her next class. She looked back before walking into the classroom, Peter laid on the ground while others smiled at his pain. No one stopped to help him up just like no one helped Angel when she needed it. Peter looked up at her with a red face. "I'll fucking kill you."

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