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Damaged (Part Four to Stalked)

People always ask which part was first or second. Stalked is the first, Stuck is the second, Aftermath is the third and now here is the fourth. :)

2015 © All Rights Reserved

With Jane aware of her daughter's psychotic tendencies, she tries her best to fix her. But is a mother's love enough to fix something that was already damaged?

Broken. Shattered. Ruined. Adversity. Wreckage. There were many words Jane could use to describe what her life had felt like in the moments since she had met Abel. He was an evil man who brought to her attention all of the evil that was in the world, even if that evil had a place in her own daughter's heart. Out of all of those words she could think, only one could perfectly sum up exactly how she was feeling, no matter how guilty she sensed inside of her for even thinking of the word. Damaged.

Belle is my daughter and I love her, but she isn't right. Jane thought to herself, peering around the empty bedroom. Even while knowing her daughter was sleeping soundly in her bedroom, a part of Jane needed to double check. Ever since the incident a couple weeks ago with the boy Jameson from the park, Jane kept the both of them inside, calling into work using up her vacation days until she could figure out what to do with her daughter.

School would start tomorrow and Jane didn't like the idea of Belle being around other children. A newspaper sat at the end of her bed, the six year old boy on the cover, a smile with his one of his front teeth missing. Next to it was a photo of her daughter. A seemingly sweet smile. Something about her daughter's picture next to him was chilling. AN UNLIKELY HERO, the three words in bold black lettering printed across the page. Jane could feel the guilt swelling up in her heart. She was surprised no one could see what really happened. No one would ever suspect a little girl. She reminded herself. Under it was the news story.

As Jameson Sandy, the normal happy-go-lucky six year old child played at the park on the jungle gym set, he slipped off and hit his head against a rock. Another six year old, Belle Lewis saw the incident happen and wasted no time getting the boy help. If not for the brave actions of Belle, Jameson might have not survived. For the time, he is in a coma with a family by his side praying for his well being.

Jane stopped reading. Brave. "Right," she laughed humorously to herself. "I'm the one to raise the brave monster." She felt bad, but wouldn't take the statement back, knowing very well the truth could hurt sometimes. And this time it could not only hurt, but destroy everything in their life. The article went onto include comments from everyone in Jameson's life. Jane felt as if soon the guilt would create it's own black hole and consume her, she wasn't sure she would fight it if it did come to eat her alive.

A sharp pain snaked through Jane's body suddenly, making her break out of the walls of her own conscious. "Ow!" she screamed then looked down to see her right thigh exposed and bleeding from a small but deep circular wound. Belle looked at her mother with her puppy dogs eyes and safety pin in hand. Jane snatched the small, sharp object from her daughter's hand.

"Mommy, I'm sor,-" was all Belle could say before Jane grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her angrily.

"Stop!" She yelled, desperately. Her voice shook as she screamed, "Stop hurting people! You're going to destroy everything!" Jane didn't hold back as she barked the words harshly at her daughter. The guilt, anger and hopelessness she felt mixed into a catastrophic emotion that Jane wasn't sure she could control. She squeezed her thumb down onto the safety pin, stopping when she pierced the flesh, the nerves in her thumb screaming at her to stop. A dribble of blood, much like the one on her thigh started to fall down her hand.

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