Sweet Addiction

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Sweet Addiction (Part Three to Missing)

2015 © All Rights Reserved

As Ellie continues her reign of terror through the small town, one question remains.. will she get caught?

Free.. I felt free. She spoke to herself.

Nothing could bring her down from the metaphorical high she was currently experiencing. Her back laid against the blood stained ground where she had first killed Janice, the images of her blood flowing from her throat like a curtain dropping after a play, nothing she had seen was ever so beautiful than that moment. With each life she took, the sensation of power rushed through her veins. And she never craved anything more. Not only did she want it, she needed it.

The earthy and metallic smell mixed together made her feel connected to the earth. In her mind, she had fed the darkness to the once pure, innocent town. Never in all of the years had murder been committed in the town, but suddenly it was like the atmosphere changed, now people wanted to give into their darkest desires. Either you could take part in the new world or become a victim.

Ellie turned onto her side, dirt clinging to her hair. Her ear pressed against the ground. For a split moment, she could hear something faint, the sound of rumbling. "You're hungry again," She whispered to the ground as if it were a person, "I won't let you starve."

She picked herself up off the ground and brushed the dirt she could get off of her. In the end it didn't matter, her dress had became stained with the adventures she had through the course of the night. The crimson color of blood started take a more rusted brown look on her white dress. Mementos of each victims life she had taken was on her dress and every time she looked at it, the hunger inside her young body grew. The hunger to kill.

Lights of red and blue flickered against the trees as police cars passed, making their way around town, desperately trying to find the killer before they decided to strike again. Little did they know, it was already too late.

Ellie walked through her new wonderland. Body parts of Janice and Ivy were hung on the tree branches. She looked down at her red tinted hands, reminiscing on the feeling when she reached into their bodies, taking organs out and sticking it through a branch and wrapping their intestines around the trees, reminding her of when she would decorate a Christmas tree.

She passed by the legs and arms she cut from their bodies, now sticking out of the ground. Ellie cut the baby open, using the little blood it's body contained and grabbed a scoop of it with her hands. Carefully she walked over to the legs and arms sticking out of the dirt and pouring small portions of the scarlet colored, gooey liquid on the limbs. "Grow big, my sweet flowers." She smiled down on them. "I'll be back soon, I have things to go do." She spoke to the dismembered bodies of Ivy and Janice.

Then she left through the woods, taking a back way to not be caught by any of the townspeople. One look at her and they would know she was behind the reason people were locking down and securing their homes tonight.

As Ellie ran through the wooded area, she embraced the feeling of cold air against her skin. It only made her excited to find more people naive enough to trust her.

Up ahead was a road surrounded by more trees. A perfect place to walk along if you didn't want to be found. She slowed her pace, it now turning into walking instead of running. A silence didn't occupy the area like she thought it would, another noise accompanied it, a voice.

Ellie walked carefully, avoiding any leaves and twigs, dodging anything that could give away her position. Her brown eyes looked ahead through the trees at the individual walking alone. It was a girl, much scrawnier than her with a look of being shaken up. Her short blonde hair was pushed behind her ears while she held herself as she walked down the empty, dark road.

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