4. Plane rides.

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A/N- honestly idk how to make this make sense so we're just gonna go withhh... somehow Zemo and Sam have an understanding and are friendly🤣 this ones a little bit shorter but enjoy!

Once they were settled on the plane, the partners nest to each other ans kJ opposite them, Zemo handed KJ his phone "KJ, I want you to look on the internet for pictures of how you'd like your bedroom, I'm getting people to set up the house so it's ready when we get there and I'd like your room to be how you want it. We can of course buy more things in person you want to add." He explained to her
"Oh uhh- it's... you don't need to do that, I'm good with just a bed. It's better than the floor right?" She said with a strained laugh.
"Karli, let us do this for you? This is going to be our home, your home. I want you to have a room you love, you deserve that. So just humour me and find some pictures you like okay?" He said back to the girl as she reid to hand his phone back to him.
"I- I've never had my own room before.. I don't even know where to start." She said quietly
"Hey there's this app uhhhh- Pinterest, you can just type in bedroom and it'll give you hundreds of pictures and you can slowly narrow down ones you like and save them. Why don't you look on there and start simple huh?" Bucky told her.
"Uhhh okay- sorry how do you know about that... seems like a weird thing for you to know mr. 106 years old." kJ said back to him as she started downloading the app onto Zemo's phone
"Hah, I spent some time in Wakanda, Princess Shuri made sure to teach me all about technology and social media while I was there... I don't know what use she thought I'd have for it but I'm glad now. Maybe I'll actually understand some of the things you talk about when you get into all that stuff." Bucky explained with a chuckle

Karli smiled and then set to work finding pictures she liked. After a while she had narrowed it down to what Pinterest was calling vintage/indie, liking what she thought of as organised chaos. Once she had saved 3 pictures she liked she went to hand Zemo his phone back, "Zee, I'm done. I like these three" she said with a small smile as she handed his phone back to show him.
He smiled as he looked at them "I'm glad you have taste KJ, these suit you well I think. I shall pass them on and you will soon see the final result." He grinned at her.
"Hey speaking of, how did you find a house so fast? And how far is it from Sam?" Bucky asked him
"Ah you see James, I may have been... looking into properties near our friend for a while now.. as for distance... I think the Wilson family may very well get sick of us rather quickly" Zemo replied with a slight smirk
"Doll... what did you do?" Bucky said in a suspicious tone.
"Well, I may have had a house built- renovated really with just a few add on's... and it ah... may be about a 2 minute walk from the Wilson residence, in fact we are the only two houses for a couple of miles." Zemo returned with what he hoped was a completely innocent voice and his best puppy dog eyes. "..." there was a long stretch of silence as his boyfriend stared at him for what felt like hours, but what must have been only 30 seconds later, "SORRY WHAT?? Did you just say.... you built a house... for us... next to Sam and his sister...?" Bucky said with an incredulous tone while Karli laughed at his surprise.
"Now James, I did not personally build it, and as I said it was more a renovation with some added features. Nothing to worry about. Why are you so surprised I wanted to have a home built for us? Near our dear friend too, we need somewhere to live our life no?" Zemo replied with a smile
"God.... I didn't think I could love you any more than I already do." Bucky almost whispered as he leaned over to kiss his boyfriend.
"AGH MY EYESSSS!! It burnsssss!!" Karli shouted as she fake gagged at their kissing "my innocent eyes are scarred for life." She said. Bucky and Zemo broke apart in laughter and turned to her
"somehow I think you'll be okay kid." Bucky grinned at her. "Here I can set up my laptop and you can watch a movie if you want okay? We've still got a while to go." Bucky said to her, realising she had nothing to entertain herself with after throwing out her old phone the night before.
"Okay, thanks." She smiled back as he passed her the laptop with Netflix open. She slipped on the headphones he handed her and was sucked into the fantasy land of a movie he'd never even heard of.

Once she was settled the two men turned to each other, "I really can't believe you built us a house... I love you Helmut."
"James I'd build a thousand homes if it meant spending my life with you. I love you too." Zemo replied. "I hope you love it, and I hope Kj's room turns out how she wants, she deserves to be a normal child." He added. The men slipped into comfortable silence, Bucky's head shifting onto his boyfriends shoulder, their hands gripping each other tight.

A few hours later as they neared their landing, Zemo stood and moved to Karli's side to wake her as she'd fallen asleep a couple of hours before. "Wake up for me KJ, we're landing soon." He said as he rubbed her arm and reached to take the headphones off of where they'd slipped down her neck. She slowly blinked awake "hmmm... Zee- woah did I fall asleep??" She asked as she woke more.
"You did darling, for a couple of hours, we're about to land though okay? I thought you'd rather be awake" he told her softly. She nodded "thanks" with a smile.
"JAMIE!!" She suddenly shouted, head snapping to look at Bucky.
"Uhhh- what??" He looked back confused.
"Jamie. I had a dream and... I don't remember but, I just think your nickname should be Jamie, it's better than Bucky and kind of like James" she grinned at him. He laughed "well I guess if it came to you in a dream you gotta go with it then kiddo" he said smiling at her. "Uh-huh. Jamie. It's good." She smiled.

Karli turned and looked out the window as they got closer to the ground. The two men looked at her, smiling at the child-like joy on her face, as close to the window as she could get. They finally landed and collected all their things, once they exited the plane there was a range rover waiting on the runway for a quick exit, Oeznik handed Bucky the keys, "Sirs, young lady, have a safe journey. You know how to reach me if you need me." He smiled as Zemo hugged him goodbye and he returned to the plane. "Come my super-soldiers, home awaits us. You drive James, the address should already be on the map." He said to them as they all slipped into the car and headed home.

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