5. Merged maps.

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A/N- again no clue what I'm doing, really making this up as I go 🤣 trying to figure out how tf to write speech so sorry the layout keeps changing. Also will probably leave pics of how I roughly imagine the vibe of the house at the end of the chapter in case you want visuals😆Enjoy.

After about 45 minutes of driving Bucky noted that they were driving up the dirt road that led to Sams, but before they got there they took a left turn up a long drive way. "Woah" was heard from the backseat where Karli looked on in awe at the modern farmhouse they were pulling up to.

"I gotta agree with the kid...this is crazy" said Bucky looking to his boyfriend,

"Ah, just wait until you see the inside then." Zemo replied with a smirk. They all got out of the car and looked around in wonder, the land was surrounded by trees as far as they could see in every direction, the house sitting in the middle of the open space. There's a pool out the front, and stairs leading up to a huge glass front door.

"You like to swim KJ?" Zemo asked the girl as he noticed her staring at the pool.

"Oh-yeah, I haven't been swimming in... a long time though." She replied with a shy smile.

"I'm sure we can find time soon." He said back with a grin. "Now, why don't I show the two of you around inside?" He added

"Hell yeah, let's go!" Said Bucky, still in awe, but excited.

As they walked in the front doors they were met with a big open plan kitchen and living room, "there's a table in the kitchen but there's also a formal dining room through that door to the right, and that door next to the fridge is a pantry" Zemo told them "and there's another smaller living room further in." He said nodding towards the back of the house. "There's an office through that door to the left, and a bathroom next to that. Further down this hallway there's a full gym, and a smaller indoor pool." He explained as they walked through the house.

"This is crazy Zee... I've never lived anywhere like this- or even seen anywhere like this" Karli said with a laugh.

He smiled at the girl "well, this is home now so I hope you love it." He said as he put an arm round her shoulders in a half hug as she smiled up at him.

"This kitchen... doll, Sam is gonna be so jealous, I feel like you maybe did this just to spite him." Bucky said with a laugh.

"Me? I would never do such a thing James." His boyfriend replied trying to act innocent."Let me show you upstairs?" He asked them

"Yes! Let's go" Karli said excited as she ran up the stairs. "Woah, slow down there kid, not all of us are as young and quick as you." Bucky said to her

"Jamieeeeee you're literally a super soldier hurry uppppp!!!" She whined back from the top of the stairs as the two men slowly climbed them.

"Okay okay, we're coming." He said back as they both looked at her with matching smiles, liking that she was acting like a kid and relaxing around them. As they reached the top of the stairs it opened onto a wide landing, huge windows in front of them letting the sun stream through.

"There's 4 guest rooms here down the hall to our left, with 2 bathrooms down there. On our right we have our rooms, kj your bathroom is the first door on the right, your bedroom is the second and at the end of the hall is our room James. There is also a cinema room opposite yours KJ, I thought you'd need somewhere to educate James and I on all the movies we've missed the past few years, or decades for some of us" Zemo said with a laugh 

"Woah, cool!! Yeah I'm down for movie nights" she grinned back.

"Wanna go see your room kid?" Bucky said taking in her excitement.

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