11. Tours & sleepovers.

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Zemo said laying his hand on the boys head briefly. They all got up and went through the door next to the kitchen table, entering the actual dining room, then going through double doors  on the left into a smaller living room with a huge tv
"Woah..." Cass muttered looking at the almost cinema sized screen. Zemo and Bucky both laughed
"That was exactly kj's reaction." Bucky said grinning down at the boy. Sarah laughed
"I think you're going to have a rough time getting my boys out of here you know." She told the two men, who laughed. They went back out to the kitchen and Bucky led them through a door to the left of the tv.
"Thats Zemo's office" Bucky opened a door on the left of the long hallway "and that's a bathroom at the end" he pointed to the second door further down.
"This part, I think you'll like!" He said looking to Sam and the boys, pushing open the double glass doors into their gym.
"Cool! Can we go swimming?" Aj asked looking up at Zemo
"Maybe not tonight, but if your mum says yes then you can come tomorrow." Zemo told the boy, lifting him up into his arms.
"Okay, thanks uncle H" Aj said winding his arms around Zemo's neck, grinning at the man.
"Can we mom? Please?" Cass asked looking up at Sarah.
"Hmmmm, if you clear up the toys in your room in the morning then I'll bring you over okay?" Sarah sail narrowing her eyes playfully at her son.
"Okay, we will! I promise!" Aj said from Zemo's arms.

Karli turned towards Sam
"Hey, maybe you can get as strong as Jamie and I in here, Cap." She said grinning at him.
"Oh curls. You're in for it now, you better run girl." Sam said smiling while walking towards her. Karli turned and ran from the room, Sam chasing after her. The others following behind them, seeing Karli disappear up the stairs, Sam hot on her heals.
"I'm coming for you kid. You'll regret what you said." Sam shouted as Karli turned right down the hallway at the top of the stairs. As the others reached them Sam was pulling Karli back from entering her bathroom, tickling her like crazy.
"Please please please please please Uncle Sam I'm sorry" Karli squealed as she wriggled around.
"Uh-huh. Say Sam is my favourite person in the world and I'll let you go." He said tickling her sides.
"Never. Zee h-hu-help me pleaseeee." She got out through her laughter.
"Please don't break my daughter, Samuel."Zemo said grinning
"She can say the words bro, and she'll be free" Sam said grinning back.
"Hey, was that so hard curls?" Sam said stopping the tickling but keeping her hugged against him.
"I think.... my lungs are broken." She said gasping for breaths.

Once she caught her breath, Sam let her go and she turned and pushed her bathroom door back open.
"This is my bathroom" and then walked and pointed at her bedroom door "thats my bedroom, I'll show you when it's not full of bags." She said making them all smile "that's a cinema room, because Zee is crazy, and that's Jamie and zee's room" she said pointing to the door across from her bedroom and the door at the end of the hall.

Zemo smiled at at the girl then bent to put Aj down, resting a hand on his head while looking over to Cass, "now, I think we should show the boys the best rooms in the house." He said making them both grin up at him.
"You're gonna love them!" Karli said, grabbing both their hands and pulling the giggling boys down the hallway, the adults smiling at each other and following them. She stopped infront of 2 doors next to each other , they were white like all the other doors, but had a painting of a fluffy cartoon monster on them, one green and one blue.
"Okay, you can chose whichever door you want, there's a wall splitting them but it has an open archway connecting them so you have one big room like at home." Zemo said gesturing for them to push open the doors
"Whoahhhh" came from aj as he walked into the room and spun slowly, taking it all in.
"This is so cool! Thanks uncle H" Cass said spinning and throwing his arms round Zemo, who steadied himself and hugged his nephew back.
"I'm glad you like it." Zemo said, smiling at Aj who came through the archway to hug him too.
"Zemo... you didn't have to do this. You're gonna make them spoilt." Sarah said, trying to look stern.
"Ah Sarah, what is a rich uncle for if not to spoil his nephews?" Zemo said grinning at the woman, who huffed and rolled her eyes, but let a smile spread over her face.

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